Supreme Court

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OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS. 289 Pelham, Adm'r, vs. Wilson et al., PELHAM, ADM It OF RYAN, VS. WILSON, CRAVENS, ET AL. The interest that a person has in an improvement on public land, is of a peculiar kind, known only to our laws. It is a possessory right against all the world but the United States. It partakes, in some degree, of the nature of a chattel real, and vests in the personal representatives of the deceased. The executor or administrator can sell it, without the intervention of the Probate Court. If the administrator professes to sell, and the purchaser supposes he is buying, a preemption right, and there is, in fact, no pre.emption, the contract will be rescinded. If only an improtement is sold, the purchaser buys at his peril, and must comply with his contract. Tms was a suit in chancery, determined in the Johnson Circuit Court, in December, 1840, before the Hon. RICHARD C. S. BROWN, one of the Circuit Judges. The original bill was filed by Joseph 37
290 CASES IN THE SUPREME COURT Pelham, Adner, vs. Wilson et al. Cravens, against Josiah Perry, as administrator of john Ryan. It stated, that the complainant, some time in the year 1834, purchased, at public auction, of Perry, as administrator of Ryan, a pre-emption right to a certain parcel of lan4, in the county of Johnson, whereon Ryan, in his lifetime, had resided, and for which cemplainant, with Twitty Pace as his security, executed his bond to Perry, for the sum of two hundred and four dollars, payable in twelve months, and that the pre-emption right was the only . consideration for which the bond was"given. That Perry had no right vested in him, as administrator, to any pre-cmption which Ryan, in his lifetime, might have been entitled to. That Ryan, in his lifetime, had no right of pre-emption to the land, and that the bond was given without any good or bona fide considerationโ€”and prayed that it might be given up and cancelled, and for general relief. The defendant demurred to the bill, and the Court having overruled the demurrer, he tile ' d his answer, which, in substance, stated, that on the 14th day of February, 1835, as administrator of Ryan, and . by- virtue of a,: order of tlmCounty Court of Johnson County, and agreeably to public notice given, he did sell, at public sale, to the highest bidder, the improvement of John Ryan, deceased, with such right and title as was vested in him, as adMinistrator; and that complainant was the highest bidder for the improvement so sold, and exccuted his bond as alleged, with Twitty Pace as his security, and that complainant was in the full possession and knowledge of the kind of title he was purchasing. The answer referred to the terms of sale exhibited, which, it alleged, was publicly exhibited on the day of sale; and that it was with the knowledge and consent of complainant, that he gave his bond. Daendant denied that he sold complainant any pre-emption right, as administrator, or that the bond was given without any bona fide consideration. The following is the exhibit referred to in the answer: " The terms of the sa i le is, the highest . bidder to be the buyer, by the purchaser. giving bond, with approved security. I will give such title as may be vested in me as administrator a the estate of john Ryan, deceased, at the time the purchase bond is made payable, if the bond is complied with,.or so soon as it is complied with."
OP 'THE :STATE OP ARKANSAS 291 Pelham, Adm'r, 'vs. Wilson et al. At the March term, 1838, the suit-abated by the death of Perry; and at the September term following, it waS revived against William Pelham, as administrator, de bonis non. Aftertvards, Joseph Cravens and Twitty Pace filed their supplemental bill, showing, that appellant, since the filing Of the original bill, had obtained a judgme,nt at law against them upon the bond, and praying that Pace migiit be permitted to become a complainant to the original bill, and supplemental bill, and for an injunction. Pelham filed his answer, admitting that letters of administration, de bonis non, had been granted to him, on the estate of Ryan, and that he had obtained a judgment at law against complainants. Joseph Cravens having died, his administrators, John M. Wilson and Josiah Cravens, were substituted complainants in his stead. No depositions were taken on the part of the appellant. Joseph Ryan, in ,his deposition, taken on the part of the appellees, stated, in substance, that he was present at the sale, and that the terms of the sale were written by Mr. Mason, Sheriff of the county, assisted by the advice of Josiah Perry, then administrator' of John _Ryan, de:- ceased, and were, as he could recollect, in the following words: I shall proceed to sell (as witness thought,) two improvements, pur-; suant to an order of eourt, as the property of John 'Ryan, deceaSed, on a credit of twelve months, at whiCh tithe the administrators;will, prove up a pre-emption right, in the name of John Ryan, deceased, or so soon thereafter as the bond is complied with. The Sheriff, in a short time, began to cry the sale of said improvement. It was some time before any one bid for it. The Sheriff discovered that the peor ple were fearful about bidding. He paused and explained the nature โ€ข of the sale, and said, it 'is a fair sale; the administrator will make such a title to the pre-emption as he can make. Some of the bystanders asked why he said, " so soon thereafter," in the article'of sale. He said the money might have to be sued for, and so' soon as the bond or note was paid to the administrator, such a title as he could make, would . he made to the purchaser. Then the people present corn. menced bidding. Joseph Cravens bid off both improvements, and gave his notes therefor, amounting to two hundred and four dollars. Witness was called upon by one of the parties present, to attest the
292 i_CASES_ IN THE_SUFREME} COI= Pelham, Adm'r, vs. Wilson et al. note, which he did. When Mr. Mason commenced the sale, Mary Ryan, the mother of witness, .forbad the sale,.and claimed the improvement as her possession. Another witness deposed, that he went over to the sale for the purpose of buying one _improvement. About -the time the sale was to commence, the widow Ryan came out, and forbad the sale. Josiah Perry said he would make a pre-emptien right to the purchaser, and said it was the property of John Ryah. The same fact was substantially, but in stronger . terms, proven by another witness. At the December adjourned term, 1840, the cause was subnnitted to the Chancellor, upon-bill, aniended bill and answers, replications, and depositions; when it was decreed, that the judgment at law " should he set aside, and held for naught, and the bond for two hundred and four (Mars debt, and all damages and costs, for ever cancelled; and if any execution thereon had issued, that it should be recalled and โ€ข cancelled, and that Pelham, as administrator, and all others, be for ever perpetually enjoined from collecting, or attempting to collect, the bond, or the judgment, of which'it was the foundation, and for costs against 'Pelham, as administrator." Pelham appealed. The case was argued here by Ashley 4 . Watkins, for the appellant, and TiTapnall 4. Cocke, contra. By the Court, DICKINSON, J. The first inquiry is, to whom-did the improvement pass, upon the death of Ryan? To the administrator, or to the heirs? The interest that a party possesses in an improvement upon public land, is of a peculiar kind, and known , only to our laws. He certainly has a possessory right or interest against all the world but the United States;-and this is secured to him upon the principles . of natural justice; It partakes, in some degree, of the nature of a chattel real, which Sir Edward Coke says, " concerns or savors of the realty," as being an interest isSuing out of, or annexed to, real estate, of which they have one quality, viz: , immobility; belonging to the realty, but want sufficient duration to constitute them chattels; such for instance,' as a term for years; wardship in chivalry, while military tenures existed; the right of presentation to a church; statute staple; leases, and the like; and a tenantry, from year to year, as long as both parties please. All these interests vest in thc personal repre-
OF THE . STATE . OF : ARKANSAS. 293 sentatiVes of the.deceased. The case of . a tenancy, from year, toyear, determinable . at the pleasure of either party,,so passes, says -Toller,in his Treatise on Executors, 139; 2 Black. Coin: 312'; Dukehart . et/a 'Wife ys. State, e 4 liar. 4. John. 500: Whether the interest would pass diffeeently. if there was a right of pre-emption to the improvement, is a question not properly loefore us; , and will not now be considered. We think it, however, clear, that the personal representatives of the. deceased had a . right to sell the improvement, without the intervention of the Probate Court. The testimOny iS so contradictory, and so ambiguous and uncertain in itยง character, that, though we consider it as slightly Preponderating in ' favor of the appellant, yet it is not so conclusive as to satisfy our Minds, as to the kind and, extent of title sold; for, if the adnainistrator sold, and CraVens understood that he was purchasmg; 'a pre-emption right, and that fact had been substantiated, he would certainly have been entitled to relief. If, however; the improvement alone Was sold, then it is,equally as clear that he bought at his peril, and must comply With his contract. Up8n the whole view Of the Case, as presented by the bill;answer, and depositions, we are of opinion that the decree directing the obii, gation of the appellees to be cancelled and delivered up, ought to be reversed, with costs, and the case remanded for a hearing de novo, afid that each party have leave to take additional proof, if asked for.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.