Supreme Court

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ARK.] WISEMAN V. PMLLIPS. 63 WISEMAN V . . PAIL . Lf . f's: 4-3942 Opinion , delivered j -nne. 3, .1935. . 1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAWCONSTRUtTION OF STATUTE.—The Conititu-' tion is not a grant of enumerated ;powers, nor an 'enabling dct, and the Legislature may pass any laws not expressly or impliedly prohibited by the Constitution; all doubts as to the validity 'of an act being resolved in its favor. •. - - 2. STATUTESTITLE.--A statute is not.invalid because . the.title does not refer to all matters covered in the body of the: statute.
64 WISEMAN V. PHILLIPS. [191 3. STATUTES--APPORTIONMENT OF TAX. The Emergency Retail Sales Tax Law (Acts 1935, No. 233) is not invalid because the declared purposes of. the law were to provide relief for free common schools, for the Wards of the State supported from the Charities Fund, ."and for other worthy causes," and because all taxes collected were apportioned to the general revenue 'and common school funds alone. 4. TAXATIONCOLLECTION OF SALES TAx.—The Emergency Retail Sales Tax Act (Acts 1935, No. 233) requiring retail dealers to Collect and pay over the tax, held not invalid as imposing an unreasOnable burden on the retail dealers. 5. TAXATIONRIGHT TO QUESTION TAX.—Persons not affected by pro-, visions of the Emergency Retail Sales Act (Acts' 1935, No. 233) claimed to be violative of the equal protection clause.of the Fourteenth Amendment are not entitled to question the validity of such provisions : . 6. CONSTITUTIONAL LAWEQUAL PROTECTION OF LAW.—The Emer-gen67 Retail Sale§ Act (Acts 1935, No. 233) held not to violate the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment in providing that the rate of tax on sales of property in the State for use out , of the State shall bear the rate of tax of the State where such property is to be taken. CONSTITUTIONAL LAWEQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE.—The equal protection clause *of the Fourteenth Amendment is not violated ' by providing in Emergency Retail Sales Tax Latv § 4(e) that where there are adjoining cities or towns which are separated by a State line, the taxes to be "paid by dealers in the Arkansas side "shall be at the same rate as provided by law in such adjoining State, if any, not to exceed the rate provided in this act." 8. TAXATIONDISCRIMINATION.—The Emergency Retail Sales Tax Act held not discriminatory beCause it provides that any person doing a credit business may apply for permission to prepare the returns on the basis of cash actually received, and that any person making such applicatiOn shall be taxable on all moneys collected, regardless of the date of sale. 9. TAXATIONREGULATIONS OF SALES TAX.—The Emergency Retail Sales Tax Act is not invalid in directing the Commissioner of Revenue to "prepare instructions to dealers by setting out to them suitable brackets of prices for applying the tax." 10. TAXATIONEQUALITY AND UNIFORMITY.—The constitutional provision requiring taxation to be equal and uniform applies only to taxes on property, and not to taxes on excises and privileges. 11. TAXATIONVALIDITY OF SALES TAX.—The Emergency Sales Tax Act is not an occupation tax, but is an excise tax. 12. CONsTrTuTIoNAL LAWCONSTRUCTION OF STATUTE.—While the existence of an emergency will not validate an invalid statute, the emergency may be considered in determining the necessity out of which it arose.
ARIc ] WISEMAN V. PHILLIPS. 65 13. TAXATIONSALES TAKEXEMPTIONS.—The Emergency Retail Sales Tax Act held not invalid in exempting sales of flour, meat, lard, 'sugar, and other food products and medicines. 14. STATUTESTIME OF TAKING EFFECT.—Where a chancery court injunction prevented the Sales Tax from taking effect upon the date designated in the act; it -will become effective when the judgment of the Supreme Court upholding its validity becomes final. Ali-peal from Pfilnski ,ChanCery 'Court; Frank H. 'Dodge, Chancellor ; reversed.' . , Suit by A. .Phillips . against Earl R. Wiseinan, Cora-thissioner Of Revenues, wherein I. B. Hall, JOe Isaacs, and William Hendersons intervened: From a decree for pl'aintiff and interveners, defendant has appeale& Lonis TarloWski and . Millard 'Alford, for'.appellant. , Edward B. Dillon, Rowell . (0 Rickey, Buibee, Harri-son, Buzbee•& Wright, Oscar Fendler . and Reid, Evrard Henderson, for appellees. Rose, He;ningway; Cantrell . R. Sptith, Joe a: Barrett, P. A.'Bradhant and Owens . ;f6 Ehr.- Wan, arnici curiae. MCHANEY, J. . The General Assembly of. , 1935 enacted-act 233, the . "Arkansas Emergency Retail Sales TO:. Lnw, '.' as it is . named in § 1. its purposes as:defined in § 2 are ' to provide .relief for the free common schools of the , State, for . the wards .of the State who are supported froth the Charities Fund, and for other, worthy causes' . ' Section 3 consists of. definitions of terms as used- in the act. Secti6n 4 levies the tax. It reads as fällows':' "Beginning Mail; 1935,. there iS hereby levied Upon, and shall be collected from . all retail sales, as . herein . defined, a tax of tw6 (2% ) per centum Of the .gross . pro-Ceeda derived froM Said SaIes. ' " The tax imposed by this section shall , apply to.: " (a) All sales at retail of . personal property. " (b) All retail sales at or by restaurants i 'cafes, cafeterias; hotels, dining cars, auctioneers, -photostat and blue-print sales,.funeyal directors, and ail other establishments of whatever . naturo or,character selling for a .con-
66 WISEMAN v. PHILLIPS. [191 sideration any property, thing, commodity, and/or substance. -" (c) All sales - of admission or admittanee to athletic contests, theaters, both motion picture and stage performances, circuses, carnivals, dance halls and other places of amusement. " (d) All retail sales of electric power and light, natural gas, water, telephone use and messages and telegrams. . " (e) Where there are adjoining cities or incorporated towns which are separated by a State line, the taxes and licenses to be paid by dealers in and on sales and services in such adjoining city or incorporated towns on the Arkansas side of the State line shall be ' at the same rate as Provided by law in such adjoining State, if any, not to exceed the rate provided in this act." Section 9 requires the retailer to collect the tax from the consumer, and account for same to file Commissioner of Revenues, who is required to deposit his collections in the State Treasury, 35 per cent. to The General Revenue Fund and 65 per cent. to tho Common School Fund. There are many administrative proyisions not deemed necessary or pertinent to a proper discussion of this Case. Certain exemptions are set out in § 15, and the following is the concluding paragraph of said section: "All food§ necessarY to life, thore specifically defined as follows : Flour, meat,. lard, sugar, soda, baking powders, salt, meal, butter fats, eggs, and all medicines necessary for the preservation of public . health, each of above to be exempt from tbe provisions of this act." Certain refunds of taxes paid by governmental agencies, hospitals and sanatoria are authorized by § 16, and § 17 makes it unlawful for any retailer to assume or absorb the tax or to advertise that he will do so. Section 20 provides that a tax on sales of separate articles of merchandise, commodity or personal property, sold in this State for use outside this State, for a price of $200 or more, "shall bear the rate of sales tax of the State where the same is to be taken and used."
MIK.] WISEMAN V; PHILLIPS: 67 Appellee brought this enjoin and restrain the appellant as Commissioner of Revenues from taking-steps to enforce the act and from collecting the tax. Its constitutionality was attacked by appellee on five grounds, as follows :. (1) That it is violative of §. 5, article 16, of the ConStitution of this State, in that (a) it is a property tax, and that it violates the provision of that section that a property tax shall be equal and uniform, beCause certain articles are exempt froth .the tax ; and (b) that it is not uniform because in § 4, paragraph (b), the tax is leVied on articles sold at certain designated. places,. and that such listed places does not include all places where retail sales are made of like tangible personal property. •(2) That it is further vio-lative of said section and_article because the tax imposed is .a privilege, tax on the privilege of doing business as a merchant, which is a matter of common right not subject to be taxed. (3) That it imposes upon the citizens of the. State a tax upon the privilege of using a.nd consuming articles necessary for existence; which is a matter of common right not subject to be taxed. (4) That it is an occupation tax which may not be levied for State purposes.. And (5) that it constitutes double taxation.• Appellant filed an answer denying all the.allegations. of unconstitutionality of the act. Later; two interven: tions were filed- by citizens and taxpayers- attacking the act on the same and additional grounds. One by J. B. Hall, a citizen of Little Rock, who alleges 'that said act is unconstitutional and void for the further reason that it imposes upon him and other citizens a. tax upon the right or privilege of purchasing in the State of Arkansas, for their own use and consumption, articles and , commodities which, as a common .right, be and every other citizen of the .State has a right to purchase in the of-dinary course of business, free from the -imposition of any tax upon the exercise 'of such right or privilege. Other allegations of unconstitutionality of the act are made, some of which will be . hereinafter referred to. An intervention was also filed by Joe` 'Isaacs, a dry goods, and clothing merchant, of .Blytheville; and William Hund-hausen, a.retail grocer and meat merchant of West Mem-
68 WISEMAN- V. PHILLIPS: [191 phis. They make an attack on said act on numerous grounds, some of whiCh will be hereinafter referred to. A demurrer was filed to this intervention and overruled. A stipulation was filed as to the intervention of Hall, and the case was submitted to. the court on the complaint, the answer, the interventions, the gtipulation and deMurrer. FrOm all of which the court found. that . the prayer . of the complaint and of the Hall intervention should be granted, and, the demurrer to the Isaacs-Hundhausen intervention being overrnled, and appellant,declining to plead further, the court-perpetually ,enjóined appellant .from proceeding further in the enforcement of said act 233 of 1935. , The. case is: here on appeal.• - At the inVitation. of this court,. -several Members :of the-bar have filed excellent briefs. aS-amici curiae; sonie on one side-of thnqunstion presented, and some on the other, in addition-6) the splendid briefs, of counsel for the parties, includihg intervener g. Wn are duly appreciative of this assistance and of the painstaking generosity of time and . energy spent in this connection. In deterthining Whaher An act of - the Gendial As: sembly is conStitutionfd; we Must- bear in mind that that instrumeia is not a "grant of enumerated -powers' Of .the' Legislature, ilot an enabling, .but a restraining act," and that the. Legislature' has the undoubted power . to make the written laws of the State, unles it is expressly, or by necessary implication, prohibited doing by the Constitution ; that the . act 'is presumed -to be valid; and that all doubt of . its validity must be resolved in favor of the- act. Bush v. Martineau, .174 Ark. 215; 295 S. W. 9.., - In the Isaacs-Hundhausen intervention and brief it is -alleged and contended that the act is void because title is not germane to the body of the 'act, and that § 2, above quoted, falsely states the purpose Of the act in that one of the purposes named- is to provide relief "for the wards of tbe State who are supported from the Charities Fund," and that § 9 thereof apportions all the funds collected to the General Revenue and Common School Funds, and none to the Charities Fund. This objection is not well taken. It is well settled that a statute is not invalid
ARK.] WISEMAN v. PIHLLIPS. 69 because the title does not refer to all . the matters . covered in the body of the act. See Westbrook v. MeD(mald, 184 Ark. 740, 43- S. W. (2d) 356, 44 S: W. •(2d) 331, for one of the latest cases on the subject. Nor Can we hold the act . void because no distribution is directly made to one of the enumerated purposes. The deposit of 35 per cent. of the funds to the general revenue fund is certainly tr ermane and climes within the clause "and for -other worthy causes," and the Legislature might take it out of the General Fund and put it in the l charities fund. It is next argued -in the' same 'brief ' that onerous and burdensome dUties are placed on retail dealers . in §§ 9 to 14, inclusive, against their will. But thiS court an-' swered this contention in Standard Oil Co. v. Brodie, 153 Ark. 114,239 S. W. 753, when it said on page 125 that : "It is next contended that the due process clause of the ConstittitiOn- of this State and of the United States is violated by the requirement laid upon the dealers in gasoline to 'collect and pay the tax. It must be remembered that the tax is nOt laid On the sale of the gasoline, nor upon the businesS of the dealer. The dealer is net required to pay the tax, hut to collect it, keep and present an account thereof, and pay it over to the county treasurer. The purpo8e of the 'statute is twofold, namely, to impose a tax upon the purchaser of gasoline for the-use of the car, and to regulate the usiness of the ' dealet by requiring him to collect the tax and pay it over to the County treasurer. It is certainly ,Within the "Jewel-of the Legislature to regulate 'the , business of selling. gasoline, and it is notfan unreasonable regulation, for it does not involVe the payment of ally fee,. nor the performance of. any unreasonable' task." Here the purpose of the act is to iinpose a tax upon the transaCtion Of a purchase at retail for use :or consumptien of articles not exempt, and to regulate the 'business of the retailer by requiring him to collect -the tax and pay it over to the Commissioner - of Revenue. This is not an -unreasonable regulation, "for it does not involve the payment of any fee, nor the performance of . any unreasonable task." Complaint is also made of § 20 that it violates the equal protection clause of the Federal' Constitution- be-
70 WISEMAN V. PHILLIPS. [191 cause of the provision that sales of $200 or more for use outside the State shall bear the rate of sales tax of the State where taken ;- also .of § 4 (e) relating to cities and towns divided by a State line above quoted. In tbe first place, these interveners do not claim that they are affected by either provision. In the next place, the recent case of Bollinger v. Watson, 187 Ark. 1044, 63 S. W. (2d) 642, holds to the contrary. It is next contended that § 5 is bad because of that provision that any person doing a . credit busines "may make application to the Commissioner for permission to prepare his returns .on the basis -of cash actually received.!' And "any person making such application shall be taxable on all moneys collected * * * regardless of the date of sale." The' argument made is that this is a tax upon the gross receipts, and not upon sales, or a tax upon , grosa income ; also that itis a discrimination against those who pay for what they buy and those who buy on* credit and do not pay at all. We cannot agree. It is a tax upon the transaction whether for cash or on credit. If on credit the collection and accounting therefor may be postponed until the bill, is ,paid. It is . certainly to the interest of the seller to. , collect his credit. sales, else a credit merchant would not long stay in. business. Permitting the seller to collect and . account for the tax when he collects the account is not discriminatory. Reif v. Barrett, 355 Ill. 104, 1.88 N. E. 889. It is next s' the act unlawfully delegates legislative power to the Commissioner when in § 6 it provides : " The Coinmissioner shall, therefore, Prepare -ins . true-tions to dealers by setting out to them suitable brackets of prices for applying the tax." It is said that this provision gives The Commissioner power to fix the tax on small sales. We dO not agree with this . contention. The power given is to "prepare instructions to dealers by setting out to them suitable brackets of prices for applying the tax," not -to fix the tax, for that is fixed in the act at 2 per cent. As to the power of the Legislature to constitute an agency to make such rules and regulations as are necessary to accomplish the legislative intent expressed in the act, see Snow V. Riggs, 172 Ark. 835, 290
ARK.1 WISEMAN v. PHILLIPS. S. W. 591 ; State v. Davis, 478 Ark. 153, 10 S: W. (2d) 513; Sparling v. Refunding BOard, 189 Ark. 189, 71 S. W. (2d) 182. .Having thus disposed of what appears to us to be the minor arguments against the validity of the act, we come how to : a consideration .of the qtlestion of whether . such a tax may be levied at all *under our Constitution. What kind of a taxis it? What is it a tax upon? .Some Of counsel say that it is a in-operty tax, others that it is an . occupation tak, - and . others that it is either a gross income tax or an occupation tax, while another says it , has all the earmarks of a property tax. .Counsel for appellant and those amici curiae supporting that view contend that it is neither a tax on property, an occupation tax,: nor tax on gross incoine ` ; that- it is an excise tax or- privilege tax, and . the argument . is made with , sonie force that it is a tax upon the right to acquire personal property by purchase for nSe or consumption. It is generally agreed that, unless the tax is prohibited by express language or by necessary implication in the Constitution, it is a valid levy. If it is prohibited, either expressly or impliedly, tbe prohibition must be found in §. 5 of article *16 of the Constitution, which follows: "All property stibject to taxation shall be taxed according to its value ; that 'Value to be ascertained in such manner as the Genet-al Assembly shall direct, making the same equal and nniform thronghont the 'State. No One species of property; from which a tax may be .collectecl, shall be taxed higher than another- species of property of equal value ; provided, the General Assembly shall have power, from -time to tithe, to . tax hawker's, peddlers, ferries, exhibitions and *privileges, in such manner as may be -deemed proper ; provided,' further, that the- following property shall be eXempt from taxation: Public property used exclusively for public purposes ; churches used as such; cemeteries used exclusively as such; school buildings and -apparatus libraries and grounds used exclusively for school purposes ; and 'buildings and grounds and materials used exclusivelyloi- public charity." Decisions of courts of other States generally hold that similar provisions of their Constitutions for equality
72 WISEMAN v. PT-111.dd Ps. [191 and uniformity apply only to .taxes on property, and not to excises and privileges. In 26 R,. C. L., p. 225, it is said : "It is generally held that a constitutional provision requiring taxation to be equal and uniform applies only to taxes on polls and property, and has no reference whatever to excises." To the same effect see 61 C. J., p. 106. Such has been the rule in this State since the decision in State v. Handlin, 100 Ark. 175, 139 S. W. 11.12, which sustained the inheritance tax as a tax on a privilege. There the court said: "If this were an attempt to tax the property of the estate, there might be some merit in the contention; but it may now be regarded as settled law that inheritance taxes are not laid upon property, but upon the privilege or right of . succession to it ; or, in other words, it is in the nature of excise tax, and not subject to the same tests with respect to equality and uniformity as taxes levied upon property." Citing cases and continuing : "We recognize this is true, and hold that the tax provided by this act upon the privilege of succeeding to .inheritances and estates was well within the power of the Legislature to impose, being included within its expressed power : ' To tax * ' *• privileges in such manner as may be deemed proper '." A study of our cases, on the subject will, disclose that the earlier cases such as Washington v. State, 13 Ark. 752, held that the Legislature could tax only such privileges "that are ascertained and recognized to be such at the common law." This view was expanded in Baker v. State, 44 Ark. 134, arising sUbsequent to our present Constitution, to include those subjects that were within the police power of the State to regulate. Since the decision in State v. Handlin, supra, this court has sustained the gasoline tax as a tax on the privilege of using the public roads. Standard Oil Co. N. Brodie, 153 Ark. 114, 239 S. W. 753. Also the Severance Tax case, Floyd v. Miller Lumber Co., 160 Ark. 17, 254 S. W. 450,.and the Gross Income Tax case, Sims v. Ahrens, 167 Ark. 557, 271 S. W. 720. Great trouble was experienced by the court in deciding the two cases last mentioned. In fact, the Severance Tax case was affirmed because a majority could not agree upon a proper construction of the Constitution, so it could not be re-
ARK.] WISEMAN V. PHILLIPS. 73 versed. . It was agreed by all that the tax was not one on property. In Sims v. Ahrens, supra, Mr. Justice WOOD wrote the majority opinion on rehearing and stated: "My conclusion of the whole matter is that,there are two, and only two., limitations' in our Constitution upon the power of the State to. raise .revenue for State purposes, namely, (I) that taxes on 'property must be ad valorem, equal and uniform, and (2) that the Legislature cannot lay a tax for State revenue .on occupations that are of- common right." It was. there said that an income tax was not a tax on property or occupations of common right. , Stanley v. Gates, 179. Ark.. 886, 19 S. W. (2d) 1000, a:net income tax was sustained on the theory that it was an excise tax not prohibited by the Constitution: In Hixon v. 'Schaal District of Marian, 187 Ark. 554, .60 S. W. (2d) 1027, an act taxing State and county warrants:was sought to be sustained as' an. excise tax. The court refused to. so decide, and. held that it was a tax on property . and therefore void. , It, was-there said : "A tax on warrants has none Of the CharacteriStics of an excise tax. There iS,no exact definition of .e:Xcises, but ordinarily they ' are duties laid on . the manufacture, sale or consUmption of comModities, or upon certain_ callings or, occiipatiohs, mid' are'generally referable' to the police power Of' the ' State." 'See also SpaAing V. Refunding Board, 189 Ark: 189, 71 S. W. (2d) 182. From these decisions we are bound to conclude , that the tax levied by said: act 233. is an excise tax or .privilege tax that is not 'prohibited. Whether it is, such a tax 'on the, purchase or the sale, or the right to acquire personal property for use or consumption, or whether it is a tax on the transaction, it is unnecessary to determine. Whatever it is and by Whatever name it :may be called, its character must 'be determined . by its incidents and its validity must be 'measured 'by the :Constitution pnder, the rules stated. It is certain that it is not a tax levied upon any one's occivation, therefore .not an occupation tax. The merchant is not taxed., He is a tax collector. The tax is required of the. purchaser,.and the .merchant 'must collect and account, for it. The buyer 's'occupation is uot
74 WISEMAN V. PHILLIPS. [191 taxed. It is not a pursuit or occupation to buy at retail for use or consumption. It is - also insisted that under the Constitution, article 2, § 2, providing that all men have the inalienable right of acquiring, possessing and protecting property, etc., is destroyed and taken away by this act. Such is not the case. The Supreme Court of the United States held to the contrary in Bromley v. McCaughn, 280 U. S. 124, 136, 74 L. ed. 226, 230. There the court had under consideration the constitutionality of the Federal Gift Tax Act. It was there contended that the tax was one upon an essential. right inherent in propertythe right to give it awayand that it was therefore a tax on the property itself and void as a direct tax. It was there said : "It is said that, since property is the sum of all the rights and powers incident to ownership, if an unapportioned tax on the exercise of any of them is upheld, the distinction between direct and other classes of taxes may be wiped out, since the property itself may likewise be taxed by resort to the expedient of levying numerous taxes upon its uses ; that one of the uses of property is to keep it, and that a tax upon the possession or keeping of property is no different from a tax on the property itself. Even if we assume that a .t,ax levied upon all the uses to which property may be put, or upon the exercise of a single power indispensable to the enjoyment of all others over it, would be in effect a tax upon property (see Dawson v. Kentucky Distilleries & Warehouse Oo., 255 U. S. 288, 65 L. ed. 638, 41 Sup. Ct. 272), and hence a direct tax requiring apportionment,. that is not the case before us. . "The power to give cannot be said to be a more important incident of property than the power to use, the exercise of which was taxed in Billings v. United States, and even though differences in degree may be carried to a point where they produce distinctions in kind, the present levy falls so far short of taxing geUerally the uses of . property that it cannot he likened .to the taxes on property itself which have been recOgnized as direct. It falls, rather, into that category of imposts or excises which, since they apply only to a limited exercise of property rights, have been deemed to be indirect and So
ARK.] WISEMA'N V. PHILLIP. 75 valid although not apportioned:" See -also State v. Boney, 156 Ark. 169, 245 . S. W. 31_5, sustaining an inheritance tax on dower. The act under . consideration is an emergency measure, specifically declared to be so, which expires July 1, 1937, unless renewed or extended. The -recitation in the emergency clause discloses a grave situation with referT ence to the free Public schools. While 'these considerations cannot determine the validity of the . act, they may be viewed to dete. rmine the necessities out of which it arose. Other arguments against the act are made, such aS exempting certain articles of food and not others, and other incidental matters, all of which we have considered and find to be without substantial merit. It will be noticed that § 4 of the act provides that the tax levied shall be collected beginning May 1, 1935. The injunction granted by the chancery court prevented this from being done. Section 21 of the act provides that the violation of any provision of the act shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding one year in the county jail, or both at the discretion of the court, and each day of Tiolation is made a separate offense. The act is therefore highly penal: Section 9731, Crawford & Moses' Digest, provides Whenever, by the decision of any circuit court, a construction may 'be given to any penal or other statute, every act done in good faith in conformity with such construction after the making of such decision, and before the reVersal thereof by the Supreme Court, shall be so far valid that the . party doing such act shall not be liable to any penalty or forfeiture-.f or any such act that shall have. been adjudged lawful by such decision of the circnit eOurt." Of course the same provision would -apply to the decision of any chancery court. The act has therefore been suspended during this period, arid will become -effective when and if the judgment of this court as here announced becoines Our conclusion on the whole case is that the act is not prohibited by the Constitution, either expressly or
76 WISEMAN v. PIIMLIPS. [191 by necessary implication, and that its validity must be sustained. The decree of the chancery court is therefore reversed, and the cause remanded with directions to enter a decree in accordance with this opinion. j OHNSON, C. J. (concurring). Since a constitutional majority of the court decline to.overrale Stale V. Handlin, 100 Ark. 175, 139 S. W. 1112, Floyd v. Miller Lromber Co., 160 Ark. 17, 254 S. W. 450, Sims v. Arens, 167 Ark. 557, 271 S. W. 720, and Stanley v. Gates, 179 Ark. 886, 19 S. W. (2d) 1000, I perceive that we are bound by the doctrines therein announced and for this reason I concur in the court's view that the Sales Tax Act of 1935 is constitutional and valid. This Sales Tax Act cannot be distinguished in principle from the Income Tax Act held constitutional in Stanley v. Gates, supra, and all efforts in this respect immediately prove illogical. Were I free to follow reason and logic, I should hold that under art. 16, § 5 of the Constitution of 1874 that this sales tax act is inhibited by affirmation : which implies. a . negation. Sua was bolding of this court in the early case of State v. 4shley, 1 Ark.. 513, and adhered to and followed for three quarters of a century. This case was decided under the Constitution of 1836, but a comparison of art. 16, § 5, of the Constitution of 1874 with that 'of 1936 demonstrates that the former was copied from the latter except in minor details not necessary to here point out. .State v. Ashley, supra, was followed . and its doctrine re-examined and approved by this court in such cases as Colby v. Lawson, 5 Ark. 303 ; State v. Washmood, 58 Ark. 609, 26 S. W. 11 ; Baker y. State, 44 Ark. 314 ; Stevens and Woods v. State, 2 Ark. 291. ; Washington v. State, 13 Ark. 752 and many other cases, until Handlin v. State, supra. This case arose under the inheritance tax statute, and the majority held the inheritance tax statute constitutional and valid, thereby, in my opinion, for the first time materially impairing State v. Ashley, supra, and all subsequent cases which followed its lead. Floyd v. Miller Lumber Co., supra, arose over an act levyilig a tax against the severance of natural resources and by a divided court this enactment was sustained, thereby further impairing
ARK.] WISEMAN V. , PHILLIPS.! . I 77 the line of cases heretofore cited. Sims v. Ahrens; supra, arose nver an-income tax statute and was sustained by.a divided court, the result of ' which presented-the anoma-"bus, situation of the court holding the, act in .qUestion invalid but. affirmatively. deciding- in: advance .that a proper, income tax act iwoUld be approved by:;the court if drawn,:under certain. specifications. Subsequently. these spe,cifieations 1were . complied 'with by ,the legislative branch of the 'State government, and . the constitutionality of, this plannedincome tax act: was.presented in Stanley v. Gates, supra, And the opinion there iapproVedthe form of the act and. relied upon its precious.. dietion, its constitutionality.. -Such, is , the history; reasoning,, logic and. effect of the cases .heretofore.referred . to. And cited, andithey and each of- them should be overruled.... . Until State Handlin, supra; we consistently held that 16, art: '5; 'of 'ont 'Constitfition authOried a property tax and prescribes the i ruIes to he' applied in:asSessing And Collectink taxes ow property, with . the proYiSo thattheLegiSlature shall'haVe authority to levYa taX hawkers, peddlers,' 'ferries, bkhibitions 'and egoSt. Under-Settled principles-of constitutional interpretation, these provisions of our Constitution should be 'treated as a limitation upon the' POwerS' of 'taxation. Since' the' Con-. stitaion preseribeS'What tAXes MAY be leyied, it impliedly . Prohibits anynther kind.of 'taxation not''therein provided for. "To specify is to exelude" is a maxim_of interpretation. The Constitution specifies *hat thxes may 'be imposed. Therefore, no taxes may be levied which are not specified. . Moreover, the line of cases last referred , to should be overruled for still. another'reasoni Fundamentally ciiirtS should be interested in realities and not nomenclatures. Realities are ignored in . each of the cases referred to. An inheritance fax is a tax on PropertY and not a hybrid tax, as decided by the court In State 'v. Handlin, supra.. Likewise a severance. taxis A tainn property, andnot a cross breed tax, as decided bY 'this Coni-Cin:F1'oyd . v. Miller Lunvb,er Co., supra. DernopqrAbly, certain .is, tax one on property and not an :excise as decided hy a
78 [191 majority of this court in Sims v. Ahrens and Stanley v. Gates; supra. The two last-mentioned cases are true hybrids, the offspring of illogic and misnomer; The sales tax is a property tax beydnd question, cavil or doubt, when measured by constitutional law and logic.. The Supreme Court .of the United States bas so decided many, many times. The true rule is a tax on a sale of an article is a tax on the article itself, so says the highest court in the land. Stewart Dry Goods Co. v. LewisU. S. 55 S. Ct. 525 ; Brown v. Maryland, 2 Wheat. 419 ; Cook v. Pennsylvania, 97 U. S. 566 ; Crew Levic .Co. v. Pennsyl-vania, 245 U. S. 292 ; Panhandle Oil Co. v: Knox, 277 U. S. 218, and Indian Motorcycle Co..v. U. S., 283 U. S. 570. •• If a property tax, concededly, the sales . tax does not conform to art. 16, § 5, and therefore is null and void. Necessity of raising revenue should never be: considered so urgent as to warraut.courts to either ignore or rewrite the Constitution. For . seventy-five years we treated art. 16, § 5, as a limitation upon the Legislature's taxing power, and I perceive no good reason for overturning the wisdom of.the ages and not only opening, but destroying the flood-gates of taxation, and I fear the .ultimate results. I was not a member of tbis court when the novations heretofore discussed were decided, therefore I perceive that I should, in ,fairness to myself, make my position clear. Justice BAKER concurs in this opinion.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.