Supreme Court

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36 Ark.] NOVEMBER TERM, 1880. 355 Roberts and Wife v_ Wilcoxson & Rose, ROEEETS AND WIFE V. WILCOXSON & ROSE: I: LIEN OR MATERIAL MAN Not waived by takina mortoage or attaching. A mechanic's lien is not waived by his levying an attachment on the same property; nor is a lumberman's waiv ed by his taking a mortgage on the property for the lumber debt 2 SANE necioe euforcilly , WhOn too br oad In a suit to enforce a lumberman's hen on a particular lot, it is error for the decree to extend the lien oover upon other lots not mentioned in the bill:
356 SUPREME COURT OF ARKANSAS, [36 Ark. Roberts and Wife v Wilcoxson & Rose SALES OF GOODS Interest on : Presumption as to time for payment: For goods sold, intcrct ac,rucs from the day for payment , and in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the presumption is, that they are to be paid for on delivery. MARRIED WOMAN , May convey as a femme sale. Since the adoption of the constitution of 1874, a married woman may convey her estate and acknowledge the execution of a deed for registration as a femme so/e; and if her acknowledgment be insufficient to admit it to registration, it will still be good between her and her grantee: APPEAL from Phillips Circuit Court in Chancery, Hon. J. N. CYPERT, Circuit Judge. Jolui C. Palmer, for appellants Contract, waiver of statutory ben. 25 Am Reps:, 289, Mechanic's lien did not extend to lot No. '$2, for want of proof of ownership_ Decree vague as to boundaries, William 1T. Smith, for appellees: The two causes of action might be joined. If not, the error not properly met by demurred. Gantt's Dig secs. 4550, 4552, 4553. Trust deed nowaiv er, but cumulative securiev. v. Bertrand, 22 Ark., 379: It is matter of intention: 82 III., 26. Implied waiver not favored. 25 Ark., 570 ; 26 ib., 617 ; 30 ib., 172. That is question of fact, not raised by de-murrer: Decree not too broad in decreeing sale of two acres. Gautt's Digest, sec-% 4063 ; White v, Chatfin, 32 Ark., 59, Interest in land sufficient. Cases supra, also, 5 Ark., 238. No error to give interest at 6 per cent, from date of riling. Attention of court not called to it, if wrong. Const, of 1874, Art., XIX, sec. 13 ; Gantt's Digest, sec. 1100, Privy examination of wife not now necessary. Const of 1874: Art: IX, sec. 7 ; 2 Bishop Married Women, i99, and
36 Ark.] NOVEMBER TERM, 1880. 357 Roberts and Wife v. Wilcoxson & Rose. various cases to sustain this construction, cited from Maine, Massachusetts, New York, South Carolina, Illinois, Mich-igan, Wisoncsin. Iowa, California. It has even been held that a law making a wife's property separate estate, gives power to convey. 39 Ga., 41 ; 5 Chicago Legal News, 159: It is an enabling clause to be liberally construed 17 How, Fr:, 413, Goss V. Cahill, 42 Batb:, 310; 6 Smith Pa., 106; , 408; 24 Miss , 1811 31 Miss:, 119 ; 43 ib.. 61 and 670 ; 15 Mich:, 447; 22 ib., 255 ; Wells v: Caywood (Colorado), 6 ; Cent, Law J., 268. Trust deed without acknowledgement. 9 Atk , 112 ; 14 Ark , 294; 18 it) , 85 ; 20 ib , I90 ; 25 ib , 152 ; 29 ib 548: 32 Ark., 166. ENGLISH, C: J. On the thirteenth of August, 1878, Wil-coxson & Rose filed the bill in this case, on the chancery side of the circuit court of Phillips county. against J. P. Roberts and Lula A. Roberts, to enforce a lien for lumber, and foreclose a mortgage on a lot. There were two Code paragraphs in the bill In the first, the plaintiffs allege that they are partners and manufacturers of lumber, under the firm name of Wilcoxson & Rose. That defendant, J. P. Roberts, is indebted to them in the sum of $195:49 for lumber and materials, particulars of which are set out in an account herewith filed, marked "A," together with the credits to whirl, the defendant is entitled, leaving due and unpaid the sum above mentioned. That said lumber and materials so furnished by plaintiffs, as aforesaid, were used in the construction of a dwelling-house and other improvements upon lot numbered thirty-two (32), in the town of Poplar Grove, Phillips county, etc. That the delivery of said lumber Aias completed on the ninth of November, 1877, and on the
358 SUPREME COURT OF ARKANSAS, [36 Ark. Roberts and Wife v Wilcoxson & Rose thirteenth of December of thesame year, the plaintiffs filed with the clerk of Phillips circuit court, a j ust and true account of their demand, after allowing all credits, and containing a correct description of the property sought to be charged with a lien, verified by affidavit. That the clerk of said circuit court indorsed upon said account the date of the filing thereof, and made an abstract thereof in a book by him kept for that purpose, and properly indexed, containing the date of the filing, the names of the persons laying said lien, the name of the person against whose property the lien was filed, and made a description of the property to b charged with the same. In the second paragraph of the bill, it is further alleged that, on the twenty-ninth day of October, 1877, plaintiffs agreed to sell and deliver to def endant, J. P. Roberts, a bill of lumber, amounting, to gether with what they had already delivered him, to $212 (55 ; whereupon, the defendant, Lula A. Roberts, in consideration of the promise and undertaking of the plaintiffs, made her promissory note of that date, whereby she undertook to pay to the plaintiffs, or their order, the sum of money last aforesaid, on the first day of February next thereafter, with interest thereon from the maturity thereof, at the rate of io per cent per annum. And to secure the payment of said note and interest, she executed to the plaintiffs her certain deed of mortgage, whereby she conveyed to said plaintiffs all her right, title and interest in and to the above described lot in said town of Poplar Grove, conditioned to be void upon the payment of said debt, but in default of such payment, the said mortgagees were armed with a power of sale, and said mortgage was properly acknowledged, and has been duly recorded in the office of the recorder for said county All of which will more fully and at large appear by reference to said note and mortgage deed, which are hereto annexed, marked "B" and "C," That on the nintb
36 Ark.] NOVEMBER TERM, 1880. 359 Roberts and Wife v. Wilcoxson & Rose, of November. 1877, the plaintiffs delivered'to said J. P. Rob-erts, and the said J. P. Roberts accepted, the bill of lumber so ordered, being the same the itmes whereof are set forth in Exhibit A, and the value of which, together with that previously furnished by the plaintiffs and not paid for, was $210 49, and the said defendant has never required of the plaintiffs the remainder of the bill, to-wit $2.16, by reason whereof the note is entitled to a credit of $15 paid by said J. P. Roberts on said ninth of November, 1877, leaving a balance due of 195 49, and being the same debt mentioned in the first paragraph of this complaint. Plaintiffs aver that said building materials were intended to be used, and were, in fact, used in the improvement of the separate estate of said Lula A. Roberts, to wit . in the construction of a dwelling-house upon the lot aforesaid, in the town aforesaid, and that all the interest and estate which she has in said premises was acquired by her since the first day of November, 1874 Plaintiffs pray for judgment against said J. P. Roberts and Lula A Roberts for the amount of said debt and interest, to be levied out of the above described lot with improvements thereon, that said mortgage may be foreclosed, and the equity of redemption of said defendants barred, and that a commissioner may be appointed to sell said premises. on default of payment, etc, Ehhibit B is the note of Lula A. Roberts, dated Poplar Grove, October 29, 1877, whereby she promises to pa y , on the first day of February, after date, to Wilcoxson & Rose, or order. 212.65. value received, secured by deed of trust, bearing same date, with interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum. Exhibit C is her mortgage. in which her husband did_
360 SUPREME COURT OF ARKANSAS, [36 Ark. Roberts and Wife v: Wilcoxson & Rose: not join, to secure the payment of the note, by which she conveys to Wilcoxson & Rose, all her right and interest in lot No. 32, in the town of Poplar Grove, etc,, together with the improvements thereon, to be void on payment of the note and interest at maturity, and on failure, they are empowered to sell the premises on twenty days' notice, for cash, and apply the proceeds to the payment of the expenses of the trust, then the debt, etc ; and balance, if any : to pay to her It bears date, twenty-ninth October, 1870, The certificateof acknowledgement attached to the mortgage follows : "STATt or ARKANSAS, County of Phillzps "Be it remembered, that on this, the twenty-ninth day of October, 1877, before me, the undersigned, an acting and duly commissioned notary public, within and for the county of Phillips, came Lue A. Roberts, who is personally known to rue to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument of writing, as party thereto, and acknowledged the same to be her act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and desired me to so certify, which is hereby accordingly done. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand the day and year first above written. F. M. McCo y, N. P." Seal attached. Defendants demurred to the complaint, in short upon the record, by consent ; the court overruled the demurrer ; they rested, and final decree was entered tenth of June, 1879, as follows "It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the court, that the plaintiffs, etc., have and recover of J. P.
36 Ark.] NOVEMBER TERM, 1880, 361 Roberts and Wife v. Wileoxson & Rose Roberts the sum of $212.93, being theamount of the account sued on in the first paragraph of said complaint, with lawful interest from the date of filing the same in the office of the clerk of this court. It is further ordered that this decree bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum from the rendition hereof until paid, and that defendant T. P. Roberts pay all the costs of this suit, It is f urther adjudged that plaintiffs, as the furnishers of materials for the erection of a dwelling-house upon lot thirty-two, in the town of Poplar Grove, have a lien upon whatever interest or estate the said J. P: Roberts may heve in said premises, as also upon all of his right and title to and of the lots contiguous thereto, not exceeding two acres, clear of said building: and the execution of this decree may be enforced by the issue of a special fieri facias to be levied out of the above described property. "And it appearing that the defendant Lula A Roberts, had, for the purpose of securing the said debt hereinbefore mentioned, executed her deed of mortgage upon the same prp mises hereinhefore described, that said debt had been I n-curred in the improvement of ther separate estate, and that her interest in said lot had been acquired since the first day of November, 1874 It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the court that unless the said Lula A: Roberts shall, on or before the tenth day of September, 1879 Pay to the plaintiffs the sum of money herembefore awarded to them, :with interest and costs of suit, the said defendants shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all right and equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises, and the same shall be sold at the door of the court-house in Helena, to the highest 'bidder, upon acredit of three months, after due and legal notice of the time, terms, and place of sale ; and the proceeds of such sale applied to the satisfaction of said debt, interest and costs of suit," etc. The decree proceeds to
362 SUPREME COURT OF ARKANSAS, [36 Ark. Roberts and W ife v Wilcoxson & Rose appoint the sheriff a commissioner to make the sale_ The defendants appealed, and both of them with a surety, entered into a supersedeas bond. It is not alle2-ed in the bill that Lula A. Roberts is the wife of J. P. Roberts, but she is so described in the summons and in the decree. I, The first point made by counsel for appellant J. P. Roberts, is, that appellees waived their statute lien as material men on any interest he may have had in the lot, by taking the mortgage of Mrs. Roberts to secure the lumber debt, and that they must look alone to the mortgage lien The mortgage was taken on the twenty-ninth of October, 1877, and after that, on the thirteenth of December following, appellees filed their account against J. P. Roberts for the lumber in the clerk's office, with the view of fixing their statute lien, thereby showing that they did not intend to abandon their statute lien by taking the mortgage. Andrus v. Coleman, 82 Ill., 26 (25 American Rep:, 289), cited by counsel for appellant, is not in point. There it was held that where the vendor of land conveys the same to a married woman, and takes a deed from her husband for other land with covenants of warranty, in part payment, and the husband's promissory note for the balance of the purchase money, this will be a waiver of his lien as vendor, and he must look to the husband alone for payment. This is upon the principle that where the vendor takes a distinct and independent security for the purchase money, he waives his equitable lien on the land, but in such case it is aquestion of intention. Larenden, ad , et al: z, Abbott, ad., 30 Ark:, 172; Hat is v. Hanks et al. 25 lb., 510. In this case lumber was furnished to improve a lot, and appellees attempted to secure the debt by taking the wife's mortgage upon her interest in the lot, and afterwards fix-
36 Ark.] NOVEMBER TERM, 1880: 363 Roberts and Wife v Wilcoxson & Rose ing thestatute lien on the husband's interest in the same lot. Mechanic's T ten Net wa ived by levy of attachment, nnr by taking mortage, on same property. A mechanic's lien is not waived by suing out an attachment, and levying on the same property. Brennon v Swasey, i6 California, 140: No good reason is perceived why the taking of the mortgage should be treated as a waiver of the right to fix the statute lien. 2. Decree enforcing: when too broad: IL The next point made for J. P. Roberts is. that the decree was broader than the allegations of the bill w arranted. That the bill alleges that the lumber was furnished him to build a dwelling-house on lot number 32 in the town of Poplar Grove, and that the lien was fixed on that lot, and that the decree not only condemned his interest in that lot to be sold, but also all his right in, and title to, lots contiguous thereto, not eweeding two acres clear of the said building. The statute gives the lien on the land on which the building is erected, as well as on a convenient space around the same, and not exceeding two acres clear of the building. Gantt's Digest, sec. 4063. What the size of lot number 32, in the tow of Poplar Grove, is, does not appear by the allegations of the bill, Whether it contains more or less than two acres, we are unadvised: The bill in one o fits features is a proceeding in rein to enforce, in equity, a statute lien alleged to have been fixed on lot number 32, and it was error to attempt to extend the lien, by the decree, over upon contiguous lots not described in the bill. 3. Interest on_ sale of goods: III It is submitted that it was error in the decree to allow interest on the lumber debt. The bill alleges that thedeliverv of the lumber was completed on the ninth of November, and the occount for a lien
364 SUPREME COURT OF ARKANSAS, [36 Ark. Roberts and Wife v, Wilcoxson & Rose: filed in the clerk's office on thethirteenth of December, 1877. The court allowed interest at six per cent from the time of the filing of the account: Looking at the account filed with the bill as Exhibit A, the first lot of lumber is charged as of July 31, the second lot as of August 2, and the third :as of November 9, 1877, each lot consisting of a number of items, and the whole footed up $290 49_ There are two credits as f or payments in July, one in August, one ninth of November, 1877, all amounting to $96, which, deducted from the whole bill, leaves $195:49, the balance claimed to be due when the account was filed for a lien. Presumption as to the time of payment for goods sold: The bill is silent as to whether the lumber was sold for cash on delivery or on credit, and no local custom is shown. In the absence of a showing to the contrary, the presumption is that it was to be paid for on delivery: Hillard on Sales, p, 177. The rate of interest upon all contracts and agreements._ written or verbal, expressed or implied, for the payment mone y , shall be six per cent., etc,, unless otherwise expressly stipulated by the parties, or unless otherwise provided by law Gantt's Digest, sec. 4277 ; Constitution of 1874, Art: XIX, sec: 13. For goods sold interest accrues after the day of payment 3 Parsons on Contracts, p, 103_ It was not error in this case to allow interest on the balance due on the account from the date it was filed for action, The above are all the points made for appellant, ." P, Roberts. The bill does not allege that he was the owner of, or had any interest in the lot in question, but avers that it was the separate estate of Lola A Roberts, and that she acquired it since the first day of November, 1874, the date of the
36 Ark.] NOVEMBER TERM, 1880. 365 Roberts and Wife v, Wilcoxson & Rose: adoption of the present constitution. Counsel for appellees say that the purpose of fixing a lien upon the lot, _and enforcing it, as against him, was to charge and condemn his curtesy, etc:, and yet the bill does not allege that he was the husband of Lula A Roberts. Counsel of both parties, however, treat him as such in their briefs, but as no question as to his right to curtesy, or use in his wife's separate estate is presented, it may be passed over On this branch of the case the decree must be so modified as to condemn to sale all his right and title to the land on which the building was erected, for which the lumber was furnished, as well as a convenient space around the same, not exceeding two acres clear of the building, as provided by the statute, confining the lien, (-ondemnation and sale to the limits of lot number 32, in the town of Poplar Grove, and not extending over upon contiguous lots. 4 illarticd Trowans May ,onycy ac a f emme sole. V ` On thp serrind branch of the ra c e, counsel for appellants complain of no error as to Lula A. Roberts ; but she appealed from the decree, which states on its face that she is the wife of her co-defendant, J. P. Roberts, and f orerl oses a mortgage executed by her without joining her husband, and not acknowledged as required by the statute ; and counsel for appellees submitting that the mortgage is nevertheless valid, under a provision of the present constitution, we do not feel at liberty to pass over this grave question, and affirm the decree as to her. It is not a case of bill to charge the wife's separate estate in equity for a debt contracted by her for its improvement, and to satisfy the debt out of the rents and profits (Henry v Blackburn, 32 Ark., 443), but a bill to foreclose a mortgage made by her, upon her estate, as if a femme sole. to secure a debt contracted by her husband for lumber to improve her estate ; and the decree foreclosed the mort-
366 SUPREME COURT OF ARKANSAS, [36 Ark. Roberts and Wife v: Wilcoxson & Rose, gage, and condemned the corpus of the estate to be sold to satisfy the debt. In Scott et al: v. TVard, 35 Ark., 480, it was decided that the wife could make a valid mortgage upon her estate to secure the debt of her husband, but in that case the husband joined with the wife in the deed, and she acknowledged its execution in the form required by the statute. Section 7, Article IX of the constitution follows : "The real and personal property of any femme covert in this state, acquired either before or after marriage, whether by gift, grant, inheritance, devise or otherwise, shall, so long as she may choose, be and remain her separate estate and property, and may be devised, bequeathed or conveyed by her the same as if she were a feinine sole; and the same shall not be subject to the debts of her husband." There was a similar clause in the constitution of 1808, omitting the words "or conveyed:" Sec. 6, Art, XII. By the common law a married woman could not convey her estate by deed, but by statute in this, as in most of the stataes, she was enabled to do so by joining her husband in the deed, and acknowledging its execution, in the form prescribed, on examination separate and apart from her husband. Gantt's Digest, secs. 838, 849; Little, Trustee, v. Dodge, administrator, 32 Ark., 458, and previous cases cited. May she now, under the above provison of the constitution, convey her estate, and acknowledge the execution of the deed for registration and notice merely, as if she were not a wife, though no legislative change has been made in the statute regulating the execution and acknowledgement of deeds since the adoption of the constitution of 1874? In Yale v. Dedeson, 18 New York, 271, the court, by Justice COMSTOCK, said : "The act of 1849, amending the law of 1848, provides that 'any married female may take, by inheritance, igft, etc,, and hold to her sole and separate
36 Ark.] NOVEMBER TERM, 1880, 367 Roberts and Wife v Wilcoxsnn & Pnse use, and convey and devise real and personal property, etc., in the same manner and with like effect as if she were unmarried. In respect to estates acquired and held under the protection of the statute, the disabilities of coverture would seem removed. A married woman ma y 'convey and devise' real an dpersonal property, as if she were unmarried. She may, therefore, dispose of lands in which she holds the legal title, without Joining with her husband in the conveyance, and without the solemnity of private examination and acknowll-edgement. I think it is plain, however, that the statute does not remove her incapacity to contract debts. She may convey and devise her real and personal estate, but her promissry note, or tther personal engagement, is void, as it always was by the rules of the common law. - etc. ln Blood v. Humphrey, 17 Barbour, r6o, the estate was convey de to Mrs. Blood by her father, after the passage of the above statute ; and after her husband had made improvements. She, as if sole, reconveyed the estate to her father, afterwards died: and her husband brought ejectment The court said : "There is nothing in the deed, or in the certificate of acknowledgement. to show that Mrs Blood was a married woman. She does not acknowledge the execution of the deed on private examination, or apart from her husband, or acknowledge the she executed the same without any fear or compulsion of her husband. The question presented for our consideration is, whether this is a good acknowledgement under our statute. The Revised Statutes declare that the acknowledgement of a married wnnian, re q iding in this state, to a conveyance puroorting to be executed by her, shall not be taken unless, in addition to the requirements contained in the preceding section ( which provides for a general acknowl-
368 SUPREME COURT OF ARKANSAS, [36 Ark. Roberts and Wife v Wilcoxson & Rose edgment), she acknowledges, on private examination, apart from her husband, that she executed such conveyance f ally, and without any fear or compulsion of her husband, nor shall any estate of any such married woman pass by any conveyance not so acknowledges. (i R. S., 758, sec. To.) By the third section of the act of April 7, 1848, as amended by chapter 375 of the laws of 1840 (Laws of 1840, p. 528), any married female may take, by gift, grant, devise or bequest, from any person other than her husband, and shall hold to her sole and separate use, and convey and devise, real and personal property, etc., in the same manner, and with like effect, as if she were unmarried. This statute declares that a married female may not only take and hold real estate, in the same manner, and with like effect, as if she were unmarried, but that she may convey the same, in the same manner, and with like effect. There is no doubt, if we are to give effect to the clear and explicit language of the statute, that this is a valid acknowledgment. Only admit that when a married woman has received a grant in fee of lands, since the passage of the act of 1848, and the amendment of 1840, she may convey the same, in the same rnannr, and with the like effect, as if she were unmarried, and the whole case is made out. This is certainly admitting no more than the statute declares she may do. Such, no doubt, was the design of the framers of the statute, etc. The legislature intended to remove the entire disability which both the common law and the statute had thrown aroung married women, not only as regards their right to take and hold, free and independent of their husbands, but, also, to remove the obstacles which had interposed against their conveying both by grant and devise, and to place them, so far as the lands which they held in their own right are concerned, on the same basis, precisely, as unmarried females."
36 Ark.] NOVEMBER TERM, 1880. 369 Roberts and Wife v: Wiltoxson & Rose: Andrews v. Shafer ct aL, I2 Howard Prac. Rep., 441, follows the above case. In Richardson V. Pulver, 63 Barbour, 70, it was said to be too late to question the correctness of the above decisions, and they were followed, In an earlier case ( Wiles v: Peck, 26 New York. 42), Justice SELDEN said if the question were then first presented, he might be inclined to hold otherwise. Mr. Bishop commenting on this remark, says : "The author believes, however, that this observation ( of Justice SELDEN) -vva inadvertently made, and that the decisions on the point were correct. An unmarried woman can not be joined in her conveyance b y the husband, for the reason that she has no husband ; and, for the same reason, no privy acknowledgment that is, acknowledgment apart from her husbandcan be taken. Consequentl y , when a statute provides that a married woman may convey her lands 'in the same manner as if she were unmarried,' it is in terms directly repugnant to a prior one which required joinder of the husband and a privy examination and supersedes A as to the estates to which it applies." 2 Bishop Married Women, sec. 199. Later on, in New York-, a statute was passed, enabling married women not only to convey their separate estates, but to contract in reference to them, and to covenant to convey, etc., as if sole. Prevot V. Lawrence, 51 New York, 221, and cases cited. In Simms V, Hervey et ux, Ic;■ Iowa, 273 ( opinion of the court by Justice DILLON), held that by an instrument duly executed, a wife might mortgage her separate estate to secure her own or her husband's debt. That prior to the adoption of the Code of 1851, the wife had to join with her husband, and acknowledge the e3 , cecution of the deed on a privy examination, to make a valid conveyance of her interest in land. But
370 SUPREME COURT OF ARKANSAS, {36 Ark. Roberts and Wife v Wilcoxson & Rose the Code provided that a married woman might convey her interest in real estate "in the same manner as other persons," and that her common law disability to convey was thereby removed, and she was enabled to convey as if sole, or if she were a man ; and her acknowledgment was only requisite f or the purposes of registration and notice, and without it, the deed was valid between her and the vendee See, also, Robertson v. Robertson, 25 ib., 350. In Michigan, by statute of 1855, it was enacted that a married woman might convey her estate "in like manner and with like effect as if she was unmarried." In Farr v. Sherman, ii Hick, 33, held ; that the obvious intention of the act was to give to a femme covert the same control and power of alienation of her estate that she would have if a femme sole, and that the husband's assent was no longer necessary to render valid conveyance by her of her separate estate as against herself. And in Watson v. Thurber, lb,, 457, that she might mortgage her estate to secure her husband's debt, and that an acknowledgment apart from her husband was not requisite to a valid conveyance or mortgage of her own estate. And in Burdeno Amperse, 14 ik, 07, it was said that the effect of the statute was to make the husband, in law, a stranger to the wife's estate during coverture, instead of its possessor and manager. In Beard v Dedolph et al , 29 Wts , 140, it was held that the effect of a like statute was to place the wife, as to her separate property, upon the same f ooting as to the world, including her husband, as if she were, in the language of the statute, a "single person." By the provision of our constitution, above copied, the separate estate of a married woman "may be conveyed etc-, the same as if she were a femme sole," A femme sole has no husband to join with her in a deed.
36 Ark ] NOVEMBER TERM, 1880, 371 She can not be examined in the absence of her husband, having none, nor, for the same reason, can she declare that she had executed the deed without compulsion or undue influence of her husband: The bill alleges that the lot in question was acquired by Mrs_ Roberts after the adoption of the present constitution, and was her spearate estate: She had the right, therefore, to conve y it as if a femme sole, The acknowledgment made by her, above copied, omitting the word 'consideration," was not valid for registration and notice as against subsequent purchasers and incum-brances, but the deed was nevertheless good between her and the mortgagees, she having conveyed as a femme sole: The decree as to her must be affirmed, but the costs of this court must be paid by appellees, inasmuch as the decree has to be reversed and modified as to appellant J. P. Roberts, and the costs were not enhanced b y the joining of the wife in the appeal.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.