Supreme Court

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ARK.] . ADAMS V. SPILL:YARDS. 641 ADAMS v: SPILLYARDS. 4-3087 Opinion delivered June 19, 1933 APPEAL AND ERROR—FINAL ORDER.—ACtS 1933, No. 57, § 2, pro­vides that the plaintiff in foreclosure suits shall not be entitled to a decree unless he shall file a stipulation that he will bid the amount of the debt. Held that an order overruling plaintiffs' motion to enter a decree of foreclosure without such ,stipulation

is final and appealable.. - i. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW—LEGISLATIVE POWER.—The Legislature may exercise its powers subject only to the limitations and restrictions in the Federal and State Constitutions.

3. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW—PRESUMPTION OF. VALIDITY OF ACT.—An act is presumed to be constitutional, and will not be held to be other­wise unless there is a clear conflict between it and the Constitu-tion; all doubts being 'resolved in its favor.

4. -CONTRACTS—WHAT LAWS GOVERN.—Laws in force when and where a contract is made and -to be performed enter into and form a part of it. 5. MORTGAGES—DEFICIENCY JUDGMENT.—The right of a mortgagee to a personal judgment against 'the mortgagor, in case the mort­gaged property fails to bring enough to discharge the mortgage debt, is a part - of the mortgage contract.

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW—IMPAIRMENT OF CONTRACT OBLIGATION.— Acts 1933, No. 57, prohibiting deficiency judgments in mortgage foreclosures, held unconstitutional as impairing the obligation of existing mortgage Contracts. 7. JUDICIAL SALES—CONFIRMATION.—That courts could, not refuse to confirm a judicial sale for mere inadequacy of consideration, ex­cept for fraud, unfairnesS or other inequitEible conduct, was a part of all mortgage contracts executed prior to Acts 1933; No. 57. 8. STATUTES—INSEPARABLE PROVISIO14S.—Acts 1933, No. 57, §§ 34 and 35, authorizing the court to refuse to confirm a mortgage foreclosure for inadequacy of price, in absence of fraud or in-

642- -ADAMS V:SPILLYARDS. [187 eqUitable conduct, and authorizing appointment of the mortgagor as receiver, held not severable from provisions of -§§ 1 and 2, pro­hibiting deficiency decrees, and hence :the entire, act is -void. 9: MOR ;PGAGES:jAPPLICATION OF STATOTE.—Acti 1933, No. 57, prohib-, iting deficiency judgments, in mortgage" foreclosures, held ina0- licable to mortgages executed after it became effective Appeal from Jefferson Chancety . COurt; H. R. Dicas, Chancellor ; revetsed. Rowell ,rf Rowell, for appellant. Coy M. Nixon, for appellee. J. R. Crocker, anticus curiae. .

Trieber Lasley, amici curiae. MCHANEI, J. Appelfants ate the. owners and hold­ers of certain past-due promissory notes- executed by appellees, secured by a deed of trust on certain real estate in Jefferson County. Suit was filed April '6, 1932, to foreclose, which was met by demurrer.. The court7 overruled the demurrer. January 31, 1933, and thereafter an answer was filed, adinitting the eXecution and delivery of the notes and deed 'of trust. There was no dispute as to the facts.. On February 25, 1933, act 57 of the Acts of 1933 became a law, and its provisions were invoked by appellees.. The court, in accordance A rVith. the requirements of § 2 of said act, refused to enter a decree of foreclosure to which he found appellants were entitled, unless and until they would enter into and file a stipula­tion that they would. bid Af the sale the amount . .of ; the' judgment, interest and costs. Appellants refused to do this, and filed a motion to .have the decree entered with-out-Such requirement. Tbe court overruled the •inotion, and this appeal followed: . . We think this was a final order from which an appeal lies. The. only question presented- is. the -constitutionality of said act 57 of 1933. We copy it in full as follOws "Section 1. In any foreclosure, in -any court in. the State. of Arkansas. in Which "real estate is involved, the 'real estate securing the loan songht to be foreclosed shall be considered td be the value of the loan made, ir­respective of the amount which may be realized from the sale of such real property.

ARK . ADAMS' V. SPILL YARDS. 643 "Section 2. When any such foreclosure suits are brought, the plaintiff shall not be entitled to a decree of foreclosure until -and unless said plaintiff shall file a stipulation in said cause that he will bid•the amount - of the debt, interest and cests; ' , Seetion . 8. -Where any Snell suits are now pending and sale of said propertY has been made under deeree cotirts foreclosing same, and the sale has not been Con­firmed . by the court, the chancellor is hereby directed and it is . Made his duty- to inquire into the amount that said property sold . for, and hear testimony thereon in-order tO ascertain Whether or not -the purchaser bid the fair market value of* said property, and said- sale shall hOi be• confirthed until . after said hearing,. and: the' Suprethe Court' of- this State Shall review the findings of said chancellor on . aPpeal, even 'though no fraud' Or inequitable . conduct is attributed tO any 'person conduct­ing said saloOr anY party interested therein. "Section. 4. Where any such, suits are filed after the, effective date of this act and real property is sold under . foreclosure decree; said . sale•shall not be confirmed by, the. court mitil and . unless said court .has inquired info, the. amount that said ,property . sold for, and heur testimony thereon in , order, to .ascertain whethier Or not the purchaser bid tbe fair market -value for said property, andsaid sale shall not .he confirmed- until after said hear-ing, .and the Supreme Court of this State :shall review the findings of said chancellor on appeal, even though:no -fraud or inequitable Conduct is attributed to any person condneting said sale , or any pary interested therein. " Section 5. When -any. suit : seeking the foreclosure of real estate -is filed and application is made for the appointment of a receiver,, the court shall have the power to appoint the owner of said- property as- such receiver, and the fact that, he is the . owner in itself shall not-disi qualify him to serve. in such capacity. "Section 6. *If any -part, sentence, Seetion;:or graph .of this act is held to be. unconstitntional, the, maining valid parts shall not be.:affected.'?

644 ADA-MS- I).- SP1LLYARDS. - 1187_ The attack made on the validity of the act- is based on art. 1, § 10, Constitution of the United States, and - art. 2, § 17, Constitution of Arkansas, both prohibiting _ the State from passing any law impairing the obligation of contracts. It is of course well settled that the Consti­tution of this State is "not an enabling, but A restraining act (Straub v. Gordon, 27 Ark. 629), and that the Legis­lature may rightfully exercise its powers subject only to-the limitations and restrictions of the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Arkansas," •as we said in Bush v. Martineau, 174 Ark. 214, 295 S. W. 9, and that an act of the Legislature is presumed to-be constitu-tiOnal and will not be held. by the courts to be:otherwise unless there is a clear conflict between the act and -the Constitution, and that all : doubt should he . resolved in favor of the act. Bush v. Martinea/u, supra, and cases there cited. It is equally well settled that,.if an act runs counter to the plain .provisions of the Constitution, the courts should not hesitate to so declare and hold the act invalid. Another rule which is not open to dispute and is well settled both in this court and the Supreme Court of_ the United States is thus stated in Robards- v. Brown, 40 'Ark. 423': "The laws which are in force at . the time when, and the place where, a contract is made and to be performed enter into and fornd a part of it: This is Only another mode of saying that parties are 'conclusively presumed . to contract with reference to . the existing law." And in Walke r v. Whitehead, 16 Wallace (U. S..) 314,1t iS said : "The laws which exist at the time of the making of a contract and in the place where it is made and to be performed enter into and Make .a part of it. ' This embraces those laws alike which atfect its validity, con-struction, discharge and enforcement. Nothing is more material to the obligation of a contract than the means of its enforcement. The ideas . of . validity and remedy are inseparable, and both are parts of the obligation which is guaranteed by the COnstitution against impair-inent. The obligation of a contract 'is the law which binds the parties to perform their agreement.' Any im­pairment of the obligation of a 'contract—the degree of

ARK.] ADAMS V. SPILLYARDS. 645 impairment is iminaterial—is within the prohibition of the Constitution." . . It becomes material then to inquire as --to the rights of mortgagees of real estate at the . tiine 'and:.prier:te the effective date Of said act 57 . .in forecleSure proceeds-ings. in chancery courts. They had the right nnder exiSt­ing law to have a judgnient on the obligation : in 'clefatilt •after service and issue joined after. 90 days Or anY day. court was in session after default in pleading,. and a -condemnation of the real , estate covered by.the mortgage. to be soldand applied to the payment of . the' debt, interest and costs. If not sold for a sufficient sum fo CoVer, there was a deficiency judgment upon .which execution could issne as at law. Foreclosure sales Of teal estate could not be set aside and , confirMation refused for mere in­adequacy of Consideration, but only for frand or otber inequitable conduct in. the . inatter of rthe sale, ceuPled -with gross inadequacy of consideration. Nor could, .sale be postponed 'more than six months. There was no pro-_ visiOn of law declaring that "the real estate securing-the loan sought to be foreClosed shall , be considered 'to . be-the value of the loan made, irrespective of the . amount which may be realized from the sale of snCh property," -nor that . the plaintiff should "file a stipulatiOn in .said cause that he will bid the amount of the debt, interest. and costs," until aet 57 was enacted. It frequently happen.s, though not . the general cuStom, that loans are made. and •real estate security taken when both parties know that the security is of 1es value than the Joan, and fre­quently . happens .that . loaus . -ore , Made on . beth . real and per'Sonal property as security. In 'either event, underOet 57, in order to foreclose on the real estate in the chanCery court, the mortgagee would haVe to relinquish the - per­sonal responsibility of the mortgagor as well as the per­sonal property covere.d -by the mortgage, for , "the real estate * *-* shall be considered to-be the Value of the loan made," and he must file a stipulation that he will bid for it the full- amount Of the -judgrnent, interest and Costs. This too in the face of the- fact that the lean was made more on the moral risk than on the real estate security

646 . - - --ADA-Ms- V. --81ILL 1VARDS. - - 1187 in the one case, and more on the- personalty securing the loan than the real estate in the other: The , -undisputed effect of. §§ -1 and 2 of the act is to prohibit deficiency judgments in mortgage foreclosures in chancery courts, a legal possible right inherent in all existing. Arkansas mortgages at the effectiVe date of the act, which ;was a part of tbe mortgage contracts themselves. This per­sonal liability was a part of the contract because author: ized by - law at the time . of execution and in tbe place of 'performance. The principal object of act 57 was to take away from the mortgagee that right, and of necessity violates - the obligations of all existing. mortgage con-tracts. Sections .3 and 4 undertake to change the rule many tithes announced by this Court, : and of : long dura: tiOn, that the court cannot refuse to . confirm a judicial sale for mere inadequacY of CenSideration except for fraud, unfairness or some other inequitable' conduct of the sale. See, Marten v. Jirkoi)sky, 174 Ark. 417, 205 'S. W. 365; Free v. Harris, 181 Ark. 647; 27 S. -W, (2d)10. This was the law as' to all existing.' mOrtgages, became.. a part of them, and related to a stibstuntial , remedy to col­lect the debt 's for Which.. they. .were given. Section 6 at­tempts to make tbe owner or mortgagor 'eligible .. for . . receiver; in the event a receiver is sought. Such was not the law .theretofore... -By §.8613, Crawford & itoses' Digest, `.`Nio party or attorney, or Terson in­terested in an action shall be appointed receiVer therein." This section has long been.the . law for a- time the -mem-ory of man runneth not .to the contrary, for this court held in Cook : v. Martin,-75 Ark. 40, 87 S. W. 625,.that it was de:laratory . of 'the commodlaw. We think this sec-tiOn, as well as §§ 3 and 4, woUld not have been adopted without §§ 1 and . 2, and the.' act is' therefore not sever: able, and we cannot sustain any part thereof, as provided in. § 6. We think this case. is.ruled by that of Robards V. Brokn, 40 Ark. 423. -In . .that case .Scott mid wife and Robards and wife in' 1874. executed .to one Ward as tyuS­tee a deed of trust on- lands to secure tho payment of sundry debts. Power, was.given the trustee in-the instru-

ARK.] ADAMS V. SPILLYAI1DS. 647 ment to sell the lands and distribute *the proceeds On cer-tain, contingencies. In 1880 the trustee advertised and sold the lands under . the power containect in the deed Of s trust to Brown- who paid his bid and received his con-veyance. The .sale was made Without regard to the act of ;March 17, 1879, which provided that at such sales the property, real or personal, - should not be sold for less than two-thirds of the appraised Value s ; proVided it should not apply to sales of property for the purchase money thereof ; and if real property was not sold at the first offering, 'another . offering might be 'made twelVe months thereafter, and sold• to the highest bidder with­out reference to the appraisement ; and provided fur-- ther that' real property so sold-might be redeemed hy the mortgagor at any time within one year from the. sale by payment of the sale , pride with 10 per bent. interest ancl bosfs of sale.. It also provided for appointment of appraisers. Within, one year from the date:of sale Ho-bards sought to redeem by tendering the amount. re­quired by the act. Brown refused the:money tendered, Robards withheld possession, and Brown brought eject-ment. Robards .defended under the act of 1879 on the ground was not appraised and sold in compliance. therewith, and that he had the right thereunder to re-deem. This court denied the right as did the lower Lourt. . It was theye aid:-``As.this raises a, federal qUes-tion, the interpretation:which the Supreme Court . of the United States has- placed ,upon 'that clause, of the Con­stitution which prohibits the :.States from, passing laws impairing the obligatiOn. of ..contracts is of: controlling. influence with. us: And. we find that in Bronson•v.Kinzie, I. Howard 311, this precise question was presented. It was there decided; after the, mOst. mature deliberation, Chief Justice TANEY delivering the. opinion of the court, that both the appraisement and the' redemption clause of a- similar , act, passed . by the ..LegislatUreof -.Illinois, were Unconstitutional, as-applied to mortgages previously. executed." McCracken v.. HoywO od, ,* 2 'Howard 608 ;. Gantly's Lessees v. Ewing, 3 - HoWard 707 ; Howard v.' Bugbee, 24 Howard. 461, were cited - to the same effect.

- 048- ADAMS V.- SPILLYARDS. [187 The court in the Robards case continued: "The Con­stitution . forbids all, laws alike which affect the validity, construction,.- -discharge and enforcement of contracts: The State. may . change legal remedies, forms .of action, of pleading and of process, the times of holding courts, etc., and may shift jurisdiction from one court to an-other. Ancl such changes may have the incidental effect of delaying the pollection of debts. But the Legislature cannot, .under the guise of legislating upon the remedy, in effect, impair the obligation of contracts. The idea of right -and remedy are so intimately asSociated as often to he- inseparable.. Now any legislation which deprives a party of a . remedy substantially as efficient as that which existed at the making of the contract .does impair its obligatory force.." .Citing a number of cases from the Supreme. Court of the United States. We cannot see any distinction in principle between that .case and this. There the subsequent statute- - re­quired appraisement, and sale. for two-thirds the ap­praised value'; whereas here the statute arbitrarily says the land shall be considered to be the value of the loan, without regai'd' to 'sale price, although it might in fact be- many times More or less than the 'loan. In that -case. the land must beSold for two-thirds the appraised value; whereas here it is required to bring the . amount of the loan regardless of all other corisiderations. In that- case one Could finally, after one year from-the first offering, if 'it failed tO bring the required amount, have a sale to the -highest bidder without . regard* to appraisement;. whereas, - -here, it the mortgagee is unwilling to file the stipulation -required by . § 2, he can never have a decree of foreclosure or of sale, and can never- realiZe anything froin -the-security under- foreclosure in court. In that case it was held that the right to redeem within one year rendered the statute unconstitutional and void, the court saying:• "Common. sense- and observation' teach us that the right to sell at once the entire fee simple in-lands and to give the purchaser immediate possession is worth.more and will be- more likely to produce the mortgage debt than the restricted right of selling a con-

ARK.] ADAMS V. SPILLYARDS. 649 ditional interest in lands.. Thus- the 'law, if extended to previous mortgages, would curtail and materially em-•arrass the creditor's' right to subject the entire inter­est of the debtor in the property to the' payment of the 'debt intended to be secured.' So •this l.court . held .that - because the act denied the right to .sell the entire est, and withheld froin Sale the equity of redenaption for one Tear, the act. was void as to existing mortgages,.and correctly so:- Here the act-prohibits any deeree for'sale, except plaintiff stipulate to pay the full-amount of the debt, etc., and prohibits any confirmations, even for the amount of the debt, intereSt and . costs, -until 'after the court has ascertained froth evidence' on a , hearing-that• Such athount. was "the fair :market value of -the prop-erty:" In other words, if -the court should 'determine that the. amount bid at the sale was not "the. fair' Mar­ket value of the property," it would have the right and poWer to 'disapprove the sale, "even thongh no .fraud or 'inequitable conduct is: attributed to . any person •con-ducting said sale or any party interested the'rein," and even .though the plaintiff, filed the .required stipulation and did bid the amount of the judgment, , interest . and coSts.- Sections 3 'and 4 'o provide. 'This cOmrsarison of the act under conSideration with that discussed Robards : v. Brown, suka, made : Lfor the-nuric•ose of shoWing, Which it •does, that the former; : presents a clearer ease of violation' Of the obligation 'of ; contracts than did the : latter; and 'we desire to -say' that we again approve What 'was said in Robat'cls Brown, and that it is supported by many- decision's of the Su­preme Court of the United'States--, both Tirior' and subse quent thereto. We therefore 'hold that. said uct. 57;'US applied to * existing contracts,•:is void., - Now, as to jts application to future . contracts, or fp mortgages and deeds of trUst on real estate executed subsequent to the effectiVe date of,:the act, we think a - careful examination of •the act itself discloses' that it-has: no application to the foreclosure of such. contracts or mortgages. If doe.s not; in eipress-te'rms• apply to fore­closures on mortgages and deeds of trust on:real : estate

650-- .ADAMS V.' SPILLYARDS. [187 - to be hereaftei . executed, but apparently to foreclosures on contracts already in . existence. In fact, the Words "mortgage" or "deed of trust" - are 'nowhere used in the act. Foreclosures on real estate are several times mentioned, - -and fOreclostires on mechaniCs ? liens arid purchase money liens are . covered as well as Mortgages and deeds of trust. The eVident purpose of :the Legis­lature waste reli67o*a , present Condition 'by applying the poultice of tbe act to the sore spot of deficiency judg­ments in foreclosures - of mortgages,. 'caused by decline in realty values. .They made it exijressly applicable to cases of foreclosure now pending and sales already made but not confirmed, which could not possibly have reference to future contracts, (section 3) ; and- also to " suits filed after the. effective date of this act and real propdrty is sold under foreclosure decree of courts foreclosing same, said sale shall not be , confirmed,!' etc. The whole con-text, we think, Shows the. Legislature was dealing with what it deemed_ a temporary emergency. Another mat-ter,, not without force in determining this question, .is that House Bill No. 270, by .Gates, of Cleveland, was introduced and . passed both Houses almost simultane­ously with the Senate bill, which beCame aCt, 57, which prohibited _deficiency: judginents in mortgage foreclos-ures, but by .its express terms in 2; apiplied only te future contracts. It was introduced in the House . Jan-nary 26 a:nd finally' passed both Hou'ses on February.13.- Whereas act -57 was 'introduced in -the Senate January 18, -and finally passed both Houses February 10. The former was vetoed by the GoVernor, -and the lattCr be-carne a law without 'his signatiire: Evidently the Legis­lature thought tbe previsions' of the bill, which became act 57, were not broad- enough-to pre-vent deficiency judg­ments on future contracts, and introduced and passed House Bill 270 to cover the apparent defect. Before concluding, we desire to call attention to the case of Dennis v. Moses, 18 Wash. 537, 52 Pac. 33, hold: ing unconstitutional an act of that State, entitled, "An act relating to deficiency judgments." We cannot re view this case, nor the many -others -in both this State

ARit.] ADAMS V. SPILLYARDS. 651 and, the SupreMe Couttof the United States;'Sastaining, as , we . view them, the present holding: Suffic it tO 'Say that e .have c'areftilly 'Congdered the 'waiter frent . every .legal viewpoint, and . have' reaChed the cOnclusion that' the. Act 'applies only tO foreclóSafeS . , on'existing •Contradts, and - is unconstitutional and void. •, The judgm _ en , t ' w . ill therefore be reversed, and •the cauSe remanded with directions to enter the decree Of foreclosure' and sale . ofthe' PrOPerty' Withont reference to act-No. 57 of . the Acts Of '1933. BUTLER, J., (concurring). , The . case before.. the COurt involves the qstion of procedure the fore­closure and sale under a mortgage executed.prior to the Pass'age of , act No. 57. . , Of ,the General Assembly ,of, 1933. Therefore,. this. act Could have noother, , than a retro­active application to the -c. .at har. , The majority hold that such an application , violates the contract clause of the, Federal, Constitntion.. I agree that this question is concluded by the decisions . Of theSupreine Court of the United' States and of thiS' jurisdict,i oanlthough it wOald: appear that the .authOrity of, these decisions' haS been sOmewhat shaken by, later , decisions' of the Supreme-Court : of the United States in the . cases .of Block v. Hirsch; 256 U. ' S. 135 41 5 Ct. - 4543 'and MarcUs . Broyjn. Hoidvnq Company -v. Feldman, ' 56 U. S. 170, 41 a Ct. 405. therefore conctir . in -the judgment of 'the major­ity in so far as it ,holds. thatthe act, „supra, can_have. no application in the: instant case,„for" to . so, apply it. would 'violate the , contract clause, ,of, the •Federal Constitution as construed by .our own . decisions and. those . . of the United States-Supreme :Court. But to. that part of the opinion:.whiCh declares . : the act under •consideration, divisible, and, .if ;one,.SeCtion be-found to be unconstitu-tional, the whOle.act mu g fall, .J cannot agree: Neither can I agree to :the 'conclusion that-the act has,no . applica­tion to the foreclosure .of - . deeds of -trust and.mOftgages .executed after it becathe effective. In the first •lace, -I" Observe that these questions Were not 'before 'the courtiand . the declarations relating

652 ADAMS V. SPILLYARDS. [187 to them were unnecessary in disposing of the real ques­tion involved. They are, therefore; obiter dicta and not binding upon this court in any subsequent case. In the second:place, the construction, I. submit, can be justified in no other way than by reading into the act something that is not there and which from its language is clear the lawmakers never intended, a proceeding which is Plainly an inVasion by the judiciary of legislative powers. If any special provision of an act be unconstitutional and can be stricken out without affecting the validity of the residue of the act, it will be done and the rethainder of the act will be allowed to stand. This is the general rule, announced by many of our decisions, among the later' of which is Stanley v. Gates, 179 Ark. 886,19 S. W. (2d) 1000. In the opinion of the majofity act No. 57 is copied. It will be 'seen from an examination of it that all •of its sections except § 3 are general in their terros, 'and might, except for the presumption that all a.Cts‘ are 'to be given a Prospective effect except, where a contrary intention Clearly appears, be'both retroactive and prospective'. SeCtion 1 relates to "any fore-closure"; Section 2 to "any foreclosure suits"; section 4 refers to "any such suits filed after the effective date of this act"; section 5 provides : "When any suit seek­ing the foreclosure of real estate is filed:" Section 3, the One sought to- be applied in the instant 'case, is not general in AS terms, but limited and Special, and relates to only such suits as had been instituted arid were pend­ing before and at the time of the passage of the act, and provides that no sale of real estate shall be confirmed unless and until the chancellor had ascertained that its fair market value had been bid. Its effect is plainly lithited to' suits to foreclose mortgages which had been executed prior to the passage of the act and is therefore so unconnected with the remaining provisions of the act, with a. different purpose to be accomplished, that it may be stricken out without injury to §§ 1, 2, 4 and 5. If there was any doubt on this subject, it is removed by the expressed will of the Legislature. Section 6 pro­vides : "If any part, sentence, section or paragraph of

ARK.] ADAMS v. SPILLYARDS. 653 this . :act is held. to: be : unconstitutional, the.. remaining valid parts shall- not be affected.' ? Courts . haVe no right to ignore such provisions in . legislative acts. This court, in the case of Snetzner v.. Gregg, 129 -Ark. 542-8-9, 196 S.: W.- 925, referring hi a similar provision, 'stated the duty of the court in these* words : "Mit for the provi­sion just quoted, it would follow that the. whole statute is void, because the Legislature- had' determined it was appropriate and just to taX all of the property, both real and personal, for the construction of the improve-ments, and we could. not see that the tegislature would have passed..the statute With the : authority to tax per­sonal property :eliminated." . (This had been eliminated the court . from the . statute because -in excess- .of the constitutional power of the..Legislature.) Continuing, the - court, further _said: " This , declaration incorporated by thelawinakers into the statute . presents an altogether different question, for it expresseOhe . purpose of the. lawmakers. to effect that, even if the„personal property Cannot be. taxed; it is not_ only ,practicable to, .construct theimprovement out, of ,the t' axation or benefits accruing to real estate, but, that it is just to do . so . NVe have -then in the . statute two legislative :determinations ; one, that it is just and fair to : include, the. ,benefits- to ,personajty scheme of taxation; .and also , that, -if that cannot be . done under the. law, it,is equally just- to pay :for the, construction . of, the improvements : with. funds . .derived from the taxation on :benefits:accruing to real property alone... This is not the delegation of legislative authority to the: courts, -nor is: it an inconsistent alternative. ,-It is a positive declaration of the purpose of the Legislature to pirt the laik in force to the full .extent of its constitu­tional power. * * Under a statute:like that; a -part of the law which is not swept aWay- by the courts .as -being. in conflict- with the Constitution is declared to be in force, and there :is- no mistaking the- legislative 'will in that respect." Here it -seems certain the Legislature intended the law to apply to the foreclosure of all mort-gages, both: thoSe executed in- the past and those which might be in the future. -The language in:all the sections,

- 654 . - -- ADAMS- 2)---SPIDLY-ARDS. - - [187-- - exciePt §- -3; is all-embracing and- provides for certain procedure in . "any suits" without limitation asJo the. time when the instrument sought -to . - be- foreclosed . Was Made. The necessary effect . of § 3 could_ relate only to contracts then existing. Therefore., there appear two purposes sought to be 'accomplished, and by § 6 the Legislature makes plain- its intent that, if one purpose be unattainable because of Constitutional restrictions, the other -should be. carried into effect. . Among the fundaMental rules governing the con­struetion of statutes all mnst admit ' the following to obtain; the duty of the court to artiVe at the'legislative will to be determined primarily from the langnage of the . statute itself and to sWeep aside all obstacles in ac-•complishing it ;-that*statutes are to be construed as hav­ing only a prospective . operatien .unless the purpose of the -Legislature to give 'them a. retreactive operation is expressly declared or necessarily implied from the lan-. gnage used.. ApplYing these inles to the act, with . 3 eliminated, hOW can anY ingenuous vieW 6f it or just inter.pretation justify the statement in the majority opinion "Now;' as *.*' to future' c6ntracts, Or to niort­gages ' "'subsequent to the effectiVe date of the act, we thi.nk a -careful examinatiOn Of thenct itself discldses that it hans no . application to the foi-ecloSure Of such contracts or 'mortgages." To support this stateMent, reference s is made to the action of the Governor in vetoing a ,Certain other bill and the Subsequent passage Of 'act No. 57 as per­suasive of the interpretation that the latter act was in­tended to .be retroactive only. This• argument seems to me to be far-fetched, for it can -make no difference .what the' Governor thought or did, as -an application of the rule stated to the-language. of the statute. makes -plain the -legislative intent 'without reference te extraneous sources. Section 3 of the -act can apply to-nothing save snits on mortgages,- etc., executed prior to its passage; Included in the comprehensive terms of the. remainder of the act are all suits to• foreclose any mortgage. - So that it .might be both retroadive and prospective... In its retrospective effect, like § a, . it is in conflict with

ADAMS V. .'SPILLYARD. 655 the provisions of- the Federal Constitution prohibiting legislation -by the . States Which impair the obligation of. existing contracts. In its prospective aPplication , it is' not Open to that objection and is ,constitutional. Ogden v. .Sdunders, 1.2 Wheat., page 295, This result is reach­ed also by the application of the rule that .where doubt -aboht the , . constitutionality of a statute, exists it must be resolved . in favor of its validity and the, lan­guage given:a construction which makes it,constitutional,- if it is reasonably. , •shsceptible, -to such , construction (Dobbs v. Holland, 140 Ark., 398, 215 S. N. 709),. and it Will' be. SUstained if there i ai-tr reasonable doubt of its''uinconstitñtioiulitv (Little . River- Conntg . BOard Of Edueation .v. Ashdown SpeCial School District,:15.6.Ark; 549; 247 S. W.'70) .; 'and where two cOnStructions may be placed on the langhage of the act the construction will be adopted which will render the statute Valid. Booe v. Simms, 139 -Ark, 595, 215 S. W. 659. This 'rule, .with which a statute is construed to have a prospective effect rather . than a retroactive, one (Etrod v. Board of hnp., 171 Ark.. 848, 298 - S-.• W.- 965), makes the statute effective as it relates tO suits on .mortgages executed after- the.. passage -of ,.thO act. ; Learned counSel 'aPp'earinA. 'as friends of the court, and who contend for the unconstitutionality -of 'the- act in its entirety, io my mind recognize the'-weaknéSs of their Position-When they evoke visions 'of economic dis, aster which may result-by reason of its enactment, and when they contend that it 'has practically dried . up the streams of-credit, so that home owners are uhablé to find relief from -Federal agencies which, but for tbe provi*- Sions of -the act, would lend money in order-that the dis­tress of the . home- owner :might be relieved. - This is :an argtiment with which We have no concern. It is common school-boy knowledge ' that questions of. policy Are for legislative and not for judicial : determiriation. is' possible that it waS .unwise to enact the law; it may be that good results. might floW therefrom, But whether wise or foolish, good or ill, if this court remains within the restrictions placed by tbe ConstitutiOn on its powers,

-656 ADAMS V: SPILL YARDS. - [187 it- Can- do -nothing. The argument made should be ad­dressed to those authorities having the power to redress the Wrong, if there be one, and not to us. This Court, and all other§ has always recognized its limitations in these 'regards and has always refused to encroach on the- domain of the Legislature. MEilAtTY, J., (dissenting). I cannoi agree with the majority, -either in helding , that . the'act has no applicmi tion to futfire contracts, or. in holding that the met is.un conStitutional as to ekisting contractS: The one statement in the majority . opinion, however, to which we-may ..all agree is. the following:• " The , evi­dent purpose of the Legislature was to relieve a present' _ condition by applying the poultice of .the act to , the. sore spot , of deficiency judgments in foreclosures of mort, gages caused by decline in realty valnes.." While the decline in realty values was partly the caase• of the sore spot, it was not the .whole cause. It is a matter of common knowledge that many loans were made in this State on real estate in 1920, 7hnd the years immediately following 1920, where the athount of the_ loan was fifty per cent, or less of the value of. the prop-erty. In many instances the _mortgage , was . om the homestead. Many persons paid on these mortgages . imtil 1930: In 1930- prices -. were sO loW that the , price the fartaer received for his ctoPs was, in many instances,. not more tham the cost of producing •the crop. It was therefore imPossible for them to pay during that- year. •Many Mortgagees took advantage of the accelerating claase in the- contract; deaared the - entire amount due, fore-closed, ijUrchased :•the property at •forecloSure Sale- Tor less than twenty-five per cent. of its -Nalue, and seenred a . deficiency judgment for the' balanCe. The inoney lender, therefore, in these inStances, collected apprOxi­mately half . the money that he had loaned; took the fariner's home, And had a judgment against him for the balance. This is evidently the sore spot mentioned in the- majority opinion.

ARK.] ADAMS V. SP1LLYARDS. 657 . I think, when conditions aS described above existed; and the mortgagee took , adVantage of the accelerating clause in the . contract, :andi . being- the only bidder:3 :pur-chased the property. at less than hVentY-five, per cerit.• of its• normal . _value, that this .cOnstitntes inequitable . - con-duct,- and should justify. the dourt in ordering anether sale. where the mortgagee is . :the only. .bidder :at the' first This court, however, has held tothe 'contrarY. i• The court-is ' bound to . knoW - the- cOnditiOns. ' A :cmirt cannot blind its eyes to the knowledge of 'A faCt which 18 notorious- throUghout its jririsdiction..' 'There is no one of ordinary' intelligence 'who does .: riot khow that since 1922 land values have gone- . doWn, until in '1931:' it Was practically imPossible to sell lands 'in thiS State , foi one4ourth of (their value in northal times. -See-Federal Land Bank of St. Lowis v. Ballentine, 1:86' Ark:441, 52 S. W...(2d) 965. : think it was to -relieve the . people who . 'were op-pressed, :as' above described; that this :act •was 'passed. justice. MAI,* iiid dohmirring opinion, - hs- in . judgment shown 'very' clearly . that , act 57 applies to future •contracts.' I agree ' with what he has- said on this subject-, -and shall not discuss 'that •feature of it- 'at length: I -think the entire act iS valid. .-".' 7 . The' MajOiity'opinion ditd •s' and -re1ie' r'6i1 the'Case- 'Of McCrackenv. •Haywoodp 2 . Howard 608i That 'case was .decided nearlyi100 years ago; and is , ibas6dlargdly ion the caSe of : BronSon 'v. Kinzie,'1 Howard ' 311', "In . - th'd last case mentioned, -the corirt 'said: ,. _ !: . .•. "If the' laws' Of 'the State pa8sed'• afterwards—had done nothing more than change the remedy upon:con -, tracts . of this description, they : :Would be •to 'no constitutional objection:• .,For; undoulitedly;'a _stiae .may regulate at,. pleasure the 'modes . ' of ..proceeding . •in •its courtsjn relation to-past contra'ctS as.future.'j'• Regulations 'Of 7 this 'description fiave:alway's - sidered, in every civilized community; .8,8' prOperlY..bcr longing .to the remedy, to be exercised of •not• bk.' every sOvereignty; 'aceording 'tO itS.riwn :views . of 'policy and humanity.., It 'must' reside ' in -every. State to enable -it

658 ADAMS V. SPILLYARDS. -[187 to secure: its citizens froth .unjust, and harrassing litiga-tion, and to protect them: in those pursuits which are necessary tO the . existence. and well-being of -every com: munity: And, although -a -new 'remedy may be deemed less' conVenient than the old one, and may in sOme degree. render .the recovery of- debts' more tardy :and difficult; yet it: Will not follOw . tbat the law is nnconstitutional." . It:therefore' appear§ to me that the.very :cases relied on by: . the majority, hold, :acts affecting. the remedy constitutional.• . . . . . . It •was' Also:, said ,in the case of Bronson x. ,Kinzie; supra: "Mortgages m-ade since 'the, passage of these laws must undoubtedly be governed. by ,them• ; for every State has:the power to prescribe :the 'legal 'and equitable obligations-of a contract to be -made and, executed within its jurisdiction." But the majority says that act 57 doe's not applY to future. contracts: It says that- the. act does nOt,• in ex­press . .terms, apply to foreclosures on mortgages ,and deeds of , trust on to be .hereafter . executed. The . act, is copi,ed in the majority , opinion' and:_dis-cussed at' length by Mr.. Justice BuTLEA, but :what the majority opinion says •-:about -the act netin express terms applying to future .contracts: may he- said' 'of seventy:five per cent. of the laws -enacted in. the last:fifty , years: " I am . unable :to understand how the, court could reach the .conclusion that act 57 applies to existing con-tracts:only. The _sable Teasoning would lead to the con­clusion that most of - the acts passed by the : Arkansas Legislatuie apply to existing conditions and not -to the future. , .. the -authorities are not entirely uniform, I think the great weight of authority is to the effect that one can have no vested right in a remedy, and that -*N\ s changing the remedy or depriving one of a remedy does not impair the obligation, of a contract if it leaves hina an efficient remedy. "To deprive a iArson of the only legal remedy he has by which to enforce his rights: is either to impair the obligation of a contract ' or deprive him of property.

ARfc.] ADAMS V. SPILL -YARDS. 659 without due process of law.. One may Thave , a vested right:to a remedy on -contracts: :He has no tested - right to a particular remedy. A statute which said that :he Shall have no. remedy Whatever -kit the enforcement of an existing right is essentially different ih : its operation from one which withholds som.e particular pre-existent reinedy and leaves*him to the choice .of. :those which re­main to• him. The decisions are''almost uniform -that, though a* law which deprives . . one of all remedy is a law impairing the obligation of a contract, or- one taking private property without due proeess of law, it is . equally true that any particular remedy may be abrogated at the• pleasure of the lawmaker, provided :it leaves a sub-stantial• means: of enforcing the right. l'Irade . 'cin Re­troactive I.,aws, 201. . - 'In the case of Conkey v. Hart, decided ;by' the . Court of Appeals .of New York,:14 N. Y...R. '22, the court; said : . :"Between the execution of the:lease and the .issuing of the , warrant the. Legislature bad- passed . an-act 'en-titled,' An act to abolish .distress f Or rent; -and: for- Other purposes,' the first section .:Ofwhich is in these words-.: Wistres§' for rent is hereby abolished!' 'The; SuPreme Court held that 'this act in its application, to . a• lease like the present, existing at the time of its passage,, was in :violation of that clause•in , the Constitution of the United StateS which lorbids• any State. tO PASS. a law*impairing the obligation of 'contracts. The correctneSs of . this determination is:therefore to be •considered.. ;1• `•`.It is• not to be:overlOokecithat the -stiPulatiOns::of parties, with Which the 'statute is . sUpposed-10 interfere; relate to .the remedy for a -breach: Of.-the fAincipal Vision of the contract which 'provides ,for• the payment of the rent. That ;obligation the statutes' does -not fere with, but it may •be enforced by ;all the mehns -which tbe State . furnished for the enforcement: of other con-tracts. In this particular the question presented ;in :this case differs from that in: Any . of -the cases which 'have been considered in the Supreme Court' of the-United States. ' ' All the' easeS' recognize the obvions .distinc-tion between impairing the Obligation of the contraet and altering . the remedy; for .a breach Of it„ and- 'acknowledge

660 - ADAMS SPILLVARDS- [187 the power of .the :State over.the latter, while maintaining its -want -of power to impair -the obligation of the contract." " It ;was stated in the case of People v. La Fetra, -230 N. Y. 429, 130 N. E. 601, 16- -A. L. R. 152, that a:State may establish regulations. reasonably necessary to secure the general welfare of the community by the exercise of its police. power, although the rights of priVate prop-'arty are thereby curtailed and freedom of ethitract thereby abrogated.• The Legislature evidently knew-the conditions exiSt­ing . in. this State at the lime of the passage- of .this act; and passed this*act 'fbr the purpose of giving some relief: . The Supreme Court of Arizona said: "We under­stand the rule to be that parties have -no vested right in particular remedies or , anodes of procedure, and. that Legislature may change existing remedies or 'prescribe new:-modes of -procedure without impairing the obliga­tion of contracts, provided an efficaciouls remedy remains for itsLenforcement.-" Brotherhood 'of -American. Y'oe menv...Maliz, 23 Ariz.; Pac. 403: The Conrt of Aripeals of. Kentucky, in discussink the statute changing the remedy :as to liability, of stock-holders, said:. :." The statutes, bear upon- the remedY- only. The liability-Of the stockholders remains , the smile as it WaS prior .to their passage. * * "Thus where, at the time of the insolVency, the only remedy against the shareholders was by proceedings in equity on the part, of •the bill holders, and subsequently, pending the -liquidation of-the affairs of the bank, a new statute -was passed creating the machinery of the Bank Coyathissioner,- and providing -a simple, and expeditious means - whereby they could enforce collections- -from shareholder's, it.was held- that the shareholders in the .already' insolvent bank could- not object to the applica­tion of this new statute to. their own case. -It bore on the remedy - only, not upon the liability." Hughes V. Marvin, 216 Ky. 190, 287 S. W..561. - : The Supreme Court of Arizona held a law valid which. , contained the*following paragraph: "All moil-

AIM.] ADAMS ' .V, SPILLYARDS. 6..61 gages of real property and -all deeds of• trust ,in-.the nature . of mortgages shalk notwithstanding containedin the mortgage, be foreclosed-by action. in a court of competent jurisdiction." . •• The court said: ." a remedial statute, and it is well settled that laws changing the remedy or sub­stituting another and different remedy are:valid, solong as they do 'not impair . the obligation• of contracts.' Schwertner v. Provident Mut. , Bldg.-Loan Ass'n, 17 Ariz: 93, 148 Pac. 910. . . . "Modes of "procedure. in the courts of -a:State are so.far within its control that a particular remedy •exist-ing at. : the time of the making of. a contract may be abrogated, altogether without impairing' thefobligation of the contra& .if another and equally adequate. remedy. for the.enforeement of that obligation'remains or .is - sub­stituted for the -one taken away..'.' Ry. Co. V. La., 157 U. S. 219, 15 S. Ct. 581. : -• "It is well settled that while in. a general sense, the. laws in force at-the time a contract iS made . enter into its , obligation, •parties have- no! vested . right hi the- par­ticular remedies or modes of procedure, then: existing. It is true the Legislature may not withdraw all, remedies, and thus, in effect, destroy. the contract; nor may it im­pose such new restrictions or conditions as would mate-rially: delay or embarrass the enforcement of rights under the contract according to the' usual course of justice as established 1, gleri 'the contract was made. Neither could:be done: without .. impairing. the obligation of the contract. ' Mit it is equally well settled that the Legislaiure May:modify . or:Change ekikting reniedies- or prescribe . 'neW Modes Or . :Pr. OCC-04e; WithouC.iniPairing the obligation . .6f..contraCts .„ ..pyoVided a sOstaiAial or efficacious remedy remains . : , or is. given, by means of which a : party can enforce. his rights under the contract." Oshkash Waterworks CO:' \; ...0Slika.Sh; SI' 437, 23 S. Ct. 234; Nat.. SuretY''0: . v Ai-ehiteetnVal . Deeb'ratinY Co., 226 U. S. 276,• 38 S: Ct.17'; }Fri.4ht: v. Wintheily, 94 •Ore. 1, 184 'Pac. 740. ! Act 57 was'evidently 'passed by'the•Legislaturewith *View of relieving 'the people of ,•Arkansas-'from

intolerable condition. Whilo I might- eite .,many other cases, the above citations - are'.sufficient to shoW how the courts ge.nerally hold.en questions of this . kind. The obligation .of tfie contract -is not: impaired by the act; and the mortgagee -is .. not deprived of a remedy hy which he ..camenforca the collection of his debt. 'He may bring a -sdit at' law 'on Ahe--note -or bond, obtain a judg-• ment, sell 'the- mortgaged' property, and; if it does not sell :for enough 'to •pay the- .debt, he can sell any other property belonging to the debtor. If he does not:want. to go into court,- he -may advertise •and sell under tbe power of sale -the- mortgage; purchase the property himself; make a deed 'to hinielf, and 'then sue at law for the 'differ&ce . betiveen the . 'amount ot the debt and -the athount for 'which the .property was purchased. The-enactment . of this' law did .not deprive' the..mort-gagee , Of the right to bring his . suit at law; nor deprive him of the right to sell under the power of sale in the mortgage, and, by . the great weight of authority, act 57 does not•impair the obligation of. a contract.. think the act 'is 'valid and should be_ upheld. Mr. Justie 'HUMPHREYS' agrees with me that the act should be 4held:'

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.